ID:               23220
 Comment by:       scottmacvicar at ntlworld dot com
 Reported By:      storozhilov at mail dot ru
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      4CVS
 Assigned To:      wez
 New Comment:

Since this indeed an error but it will happen anytime you make an HTTPS
request to IIS i think the error should be changed to E_NOTICE and the
error message updated to what it actually does.



diff -u network.c network.c.patched

--- network.c   2004-02-17 01:20:49.000000000 +0000

+++ network.c.patched   2004-02-17 01:22:23.000000000 +0000

@@ -870,8 +870,8 @@

                case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:

                        if (ERR_peek_error() == 0) {

                                if (nr_bytes == 0) {

-                                       php_error_docref(NULL

-                                                       "SSL: fatal
protocol error");

+                                       php_error_docref(NULL

+                                                       "SSL: EOF
occurred in violation of protocol");

                                        stream->eof = 1;

                                        retry = 0;

                                } else {

Previous Comments:

[2004-02-16 19:58:27] scottmacvicar at ntlworld dot com

Found the cause of this now.

Its Microsoft's we can do what we want attituide in regards to IIS.

An EOF occured but the SSL "close_notify" message hasn't been sent.

I'll write a patch and post it tomorrow hopefully.


[2004-02-16 17:00:49] aaron_hawryluk at shaw dot ca

This also seems to cause a problem with file_get_contents which I am
using to retrieve transaction data.  Test case is:





<code>Warning: file_get_contents(): SSL: fatal protocol error in
/usr/local/www/data-dist/navdev/test.php on line 2</code> whatever data the secure server provides.


[2004-02-12 16:15:31] wtatam at premierit dot com

If you apply the patch shown in this script it works perfectly

Why has this not been commited into the main branch for both php 4 and
5 ?


[2004-02-04 18:48:37] douga at accessdata dot com

I am seeing the same error. It appears to be generated after the
following loop has completed. More specifically, the Warning message is
emitted just after the loop terminates.

while( !feof($handle) )


   echo "Looping to read in all of the reply.<br>";

   $reply .= fgets($handle);


PHP 4.3.4 compiled with --with-openssl

What other information would be helpful?


[2004-01-27 12:58:26] admin at jazzfanz dot com

I'm sorry but I can't really tell based on this thread if there was
ever a version of PHP where this problem was corrected.  Is there a

I'm on 4.3.3 currently under IPlanet.

Is there a workaround without using cURL?


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