ID:               27291
 User updated by:  php-bug-NOSPAM-2004 at ryandesign dot com
 Reported By:      php-bug-NOSPAM-2004 at ryandesign dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS (2004-02-20)
 New Comment:

Yes, I'm sorry, I meant to mention that changing to 

match Gecko/* instead of Gecko/???????? would seem to 

adversely affect Netscape 7.x, whose UA string starts 

the same way, but ends, after the Gecko/xxx part, with 


Other things you should look out for in your file: I 

think you may be missing a pattern for the Camino 

browser version 0.7+. That's what you get if you use the 

latest nightly builds, which is effortlessly achieved by 

using the program CaminoKnight, and since 0.7 proper is 

so ancient now, most Camino users probably are running 

the 0.7+ builds. The UA string ends with the + sign but 

seems otherwise the same to what you have in the 2/15/04 


Confirmed that the new browscap.ini from 2/15/04 causes 

a parse error at Apache startup. Filed http://

Sorry about my shorthand... by .tgz I just meant a 

compressed file. A Zip file would be fine too. If you 

could bundle up your huge UA list, and possibly also 

your script to feed these to browscap.dll, and put them 

on a web or ftp server like Jay did or just email them 

to me, that'd be great.

Previous Comments:

[2004-02-23 16:46:16] php_bug_27291 at garykeith dot com

Sorry I forgot to address your proposal.

You do need IIS to use browscap.dll. The problem is you cannot pass a
user agent to it directly like you can with PHP. I have a script (in
ASP/VBScript obviously, but probably easily converted to PHP) that lets
you pass a specific user agent to browscap.dll and get the resulting
browser in return.


[2004-02-23 16:39:22] php_bug_27291 at garykeith dot com

Tell me what a .tgz file is and if I can do it I will.

I'm working two new bugs that I hope someone will post bug reports

The first deals with the exclamation point that's part of the new
Yahoo! Slurp crawler. I'm not sure what PHP is doing since I don't
speak PHP but I'm told it's throwing a parsing error.

I've also had some complaints from people saying user agents aren't
being recognized since I switched from using Gecko/???????? to Gecko/*
as we discussed earlier.


[2004-02-23 12:58:19] php-bug-NOSPAM-2004 at ryandesign dot com

Sounds like what we need is a script that takes the user 

agents logged by a popular web site, runs them through 

browscap.dll and PHP's get_browser(), compares the 

results, and informs a PHP programmer about any 

differences, so that get_browser() can be kept in line.

I hate to volunteer for such a task, as I'm not a member 

of the PHP team, but perhaps, once my patch or one like 

it is applied, I could try it out for awhile to see what 

quantity of diffs is generated.

I'm not sure, however, how I would use browscap.dll. 

What kind of server would need to be used, and what 

programming language? I have a feeling you're going to 

say Microsoft IIS and Visual Basic or ASP or some such, 

none of which I've ever worked with. (I wouldn't know 

where to begin.) But if a system could be developed 

whereby one popular web server gathers a day's UA's, and 

then passes it off to both a script using browscap.dll 

and a second one using PHP's get_browser(), and then 

takes the results, compares them, and saves out only the 

differences, and then emails or FTPs a .tgz to me or 

someone, that might be a place to start. I'd be happy to 

help with such a script, tho like I said I wouldn't know 

how to tackle the browscap.dll part.

I looked through all the diffs between the PHP 4.3.4 

get_browser() matching and the results after applying my 

patch on Jay's user agent file, and I'm encouraged by 

the results. I think they're more accurate. I think it 

should improve the situation greatly. Gary, if you'd 

like to send your huge 20,000-entry user agent list in a 

.tgz I could do some more comparisons and see how the 

patch holds up.


[2004-02-23 12:01:41] php_bug_27291 at garykeith dot com

Jay, whom can I contact at PHP to let them know I no longer want to be
the official source of browscap.ini for PHP? In the past two days I've
had two bug reports, both of which only happen in PHP. When
browscap.dll is doing the parsing it works fine.

I'm fed up with PHP. I waste more of my time dealing with bugs in PHP
than any other aspect of my project and it's just not worth it to me


[2004-02-19 15:10:07] php_bug_27291 at garykeith dot com

Hi, Jay.

I use Microsoft's browscap.dll as my baseline for testing. I don't know
of any way you can legally get a look at the source code for that!

I can't speak for the accuracy of the stuff I offer on my site for PHP
or Java because I know nothing about either language. I work mostly in
C++, C# and Visual Basic. The best I can tell you about that stuff is
I've had almost no complaints about them beyond their inability to
adapt to new properties in the browscap.ini file.

BTW, the Spoofed IE is from the parent Spoofed User Agents. These are
user agents that are almost like the real thing and I keep a close
watch on them to see if they eventually need to be moved to the Website
Strippers parent.

Anyway, whatever it takes to get these bugs fixed, let's do it.
Although I'm no longer willing to make major changes in my files to
accommodate PHP perhaps my database of 22,000 user agents will let you
do some more thorough testing. I'll also be willing to help in whatever
other ways I can.

You can reach me via the e-mail address I used here if you need to
contact me privately.


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