ID:               25876
 Comment by:       kester at iskra dot net
 Reported By:      golden at riscom dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: freebsd 4.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:

Certainly still happening on some installs 4.3.4. Experiencing same on
a Linux Fedora Box, with Fedora Packaged PHP 4.3.4 and Apache/2.0.48

BUT this is when running MediaWiki ... but NOT when running
drupal or my home built cms.

I have made the settings used for sesssion management for the drupal
v.domain and the mediawiki v domain the same. I have tried changing
directories to store the session files.

For notes:-

(if you get the error - hit refresh a few times :-)

Previous Comments:

[2004-02-24 05:16:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the ext/session/mod_files.c inside the function PS_OPEN_FUNC(files)
replace the next content:


  if ((p = strchr(save_path, ';'))) {

    errno = 0;

    data->dirdepth = (size_t) strtol(save_path, NULL, 10);

    if (errno == ERANGE) {



      return FAILURE;


    save_path = p + 1;



by this one:


    if ((p = strrchr(save_path, ';'))) {

        data->dirdepth = (size_t)atol(save_path);

        save_path = p + 1;



Compile again and try your scripts.

The problem exists from old php versions, but in 4.3.4 was added the
errno control to generate an error. Now the functionality is the
correct one and never produce abnormal errors!

Carlos Vilasis Faura & Javier Tacon Iglesias


[2004-02-23 22:20:17] evan dot leybourn at defence dot gov dot au

I had the same problem trying to install Scout Portal Toolkit on
Solaris. Check to make sure that in your php.ini file 

session.save_handler = files

That worked for me.

Good Luck


[2004-02-23 17:37:10] aaron at serverlogistics dot com

I am also experiencing this problem with Mac OS X and 

Apache 1.3.27 + PHP 4.3.4.

Seems to happen randomly. I can restart Apache and it 

will go away for a while, but then comes back. I have 

each user using a different session save directory. I 

have double checked for proper permissions.

This just started happening a couple of days ago. 

Nothing had changed (that I am aware of) that would 

cause this.


[2004-02-20 21:42:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apply this patch, run for awhile, then post updated logs of the error

Index: ext/session/mod_files.c


RCS file: /repository/php-src/ext/session/mod_files.c,v

retrieving revision

diff -u -r1.83.2.7 mod_files.c

--- ext/session/mod_files.c     25 Sep 2003 14:53:58 -0000

+++ ext/session/mod_files.c     21 Feb 2004 02:49:05 -0000

@@ -239,6 +239,7 @@

                errno = 0;

                data->dirdepth = (size_t) strtol(save_path, NULL, 10);

                if (errno == ERANGE) {

+                       php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING,
"Invalid save_path (%s)(%d)", save_path, strlen(save_path));



                        return FAILURE;


[2004-02-18 17:06:17] mitch at webcob dot com

I'm also running FreeBSD 4.8 - same problem.

My /tmp is on a separate partition, and has plenty of space... a
restart (even a graceful one) seems to fix the problem.

As a temp fix, I heard someone say that the sites they had using custom
session storage handlers did NOT exhibit the problem, so I think I may
try an auto-prepend file containing such an override on a server-wide

Any comment on this idea? Please copy my email.



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