ID:               24390
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      vaclav dot pecuch at tiscali dot cz
 Status:           Verified
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: any (+ ZTS)
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS
 New Comment:

See also bug #27185 (these two are propably same issue)

Previous Comments:

[2003-07-27 12:31:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not only do the persistent resources destructors are not called, but
the MSHUTDOWN is also not called resulting in quite a few memory leaks.


[2003-06-29 21:07:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not Windows specific, but ZTS issue.

The persistant resource destructor is not called at all when ZTS is
enabled. (tested using CLI compiled with ZTS enabled)

Test sources found here (a bit cleaned up version):

Configure php:

# ./configure --disable-all --disable-cgi --enable-tm

Test results:


Thread Safety => disabled

resource(4) of type (TestModule Resource)

TestModule (normal): resource "non-persistent resource" created

(non-persistent) Running tm_resource_dtor() for resource
"non-persistent resource"

resource(4) of type (TestModule Persistent Resource)

TestModule (persistent): resource "persistent resource" created

(persistent): Running tm_presource_dtor() for resource "persistent


Thread Safety => enabled

resource(4) of type (TestModule Resource)

TestModule (normal): resource "non-persistent resource" created

(non-persistent) Running tm_resource_dtor() for resource
"non-persistent resource"

resource(4) of type (TestModule Persistent Resource)

TestModule (persistent): resource "persistent resource" created



[2003-06-29 14:54:01] vaclav dot pecuch at tiscali dot cz

PHP 4.3.2 on Windows doesn't call persistent resource destructors on
PHP process shutdown.

I'm using persitent resources in my PHP module, i.e.

in MINIT function I register destructors for my resources:

mymod_close_rsc, MYMOD_RSC_NAME, module_number);

I add newly created resource to EG(persistent_list) by this code

list_entry new_le;

Z_TYPE(new_le) = mymod_rsc;

new_le.ptr = malloced_rsc_data_buffer;

zend_hash_update(&EG(persistent_list), hashed_details,
strlen(hashed_details)+1, (void *) &new_le, sizeof(list_entry), NULL);

Function mymod_commit_rsc is called at the end of the request while
mymod_close_rsc is never called.

I'm running PHP 4.3.2 with Apache 1.3.27 (PHP runs as Apache module) on
Windows 2000. I'm loading PHP module through "extension" directive in
PHP.INI. I've tested my module on Linux (RH 7.3, PHP 4.3.2 as Apache
module with Apache 1.3.27) and it worked - mymod_close_rsc was called
at the end of PHP process or more precisely at the end of Apache

Reproduce code:
The simplest example is there:

This is PHP module which registers its persistent resource in MINIT
function, implements "create_resource" function and contains some
logging (ugly but functional).

Change path settings in makefile and logfile path and filename  in C
source before build.

Expected result:
Destruction of persistent resources at the end of PHP process.

Actual result:
Destructor isn't called on Windows, is called on Linux.


Edit this bug report at

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