ID:               27457
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      solace at ezmail dot ru
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Zend Engine 2 problem
-Operating System: Win2K
+Operating System: *
-PHP Version:      5.0.0b4 (beta4)
+PHP Version:      5CVS-2004-03-09
 Assigned To:      andi

Previous Comments:

[2004-03-02 04:12:56] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Recategorize bug.


[2004-03-02 03:40:08] solace at ezmail dot ru

I wanted to test compatibility of my scripts with the latest php5 beta
and discovered very strange results.

Well, something is wrong with strtr() function working with translation
array. It worked fine with php 4.x.x.

But strtr() with strings still works.

I'm using command-line php.exe with -n switch, without php.ini or any

Reproduce code:
$test = "Dot in brackets [.]\n";

$test = strtr($test, array('.' => '0'));

// doesn't work ???

$test = strtr($test, array('0' => '.'));

echo $test;

// but this works!!!

$test = strtr($test, '0', '.');

echo $test;

Expected result:
Dot in brackets [.]

Actual result:
Dot in brackets [0]


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