ID:               21891
 Comment by:       zizka at seznam dot cz
 Reported By:      hz11 at nyu dot edu
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: FreeBSD/Linux
 PHP Version:      4.3.0
 New Comment:

Sorry but still I don't understand, why some new option in php.ini
"would make writing portable scripts harder", if the default option
would make PHP behave the SAME way as so far, that means (in this
case), removing (\r)\n after ?>, and the second option would make it
leave it there.  Or, if it's really true, why have we the options like
arg_separator.input and magic_quotes_gpc then?  What's so hard in
writing portable scripts like now and leaving this option with the
default falue, while other people, using PHP for e.g. nice-formatted
HTML, C++ code, ASCII, or XML, would change it? ... Doesn't make a

Previous Comments:

[2004-03-10 12:21:35] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Making a setting in php.ini would make writing portable scripts harder,
so that's a no-go too.


[2004-03-10 11:48:37] zizka at seznam dot cz


Wake UP! It wouldn't break ANY script if it was optional in the php.ini
file!!!!  As I wrote to derick:

Are the PHP developers getting too lazy to improve PHP a bit?


[2004-03-10 10:56:45] hz11 at nyu dot edu

How would it break existing scripts?  Firstly, CLI scripts aren't that
common yet, and especially those that rely on this type of behavior. 
Secondly, what if it was a config setting, available only when running
as a CLI (akin to argv/argc).  When working with scripts on the console
for interactive programs, or using a CLI script to generate raw XML for
instance, this type of newline mangle makes no sense and is cause for
very hackish scripts.


[2004-03-08 12:03:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can not be fixed, as it breaks existing scripts.


[2004-03-08 11:29:38] hz11 at nyu dot edu

I agree.  Now that the CLI interface has matured it's in fairly
widespread use.  I use CLI continually and this "feature" is a royal
pain.  Perhaps when running in CLI mode this behavior could be
automatically disabled... this would be a much appreciated change.

Or, a special tag as suggested:



I would think putting something like this into PHP 5 wouldn't disrupt


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