ID:               27724
 Comment by:       jewfish at jewfish dot net
 Reported By:      leonel at nied dot unicamp dot br
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Class/Object related
 Operating System: Fedora Core1
 PHP Version:      5.0.0RC1
 New Comment:

I have seen this bug in PHP 4 as well (encountered it the same day you
posted this bug, in fact).  It can be verified to be in PHP 4 in much
the same way.

Previous Comments:

[2004-03-27 11:50:55] kase at gmx dot net

Works well using this code:

kasedebian:/var/www# cat test.php5


class IntegerFactory {

        private static $int = NULL;

        function __construct() {}

        public function getInstance() {

                if ( !isset(IntegerFactory::$int) ) {

                        echo 'null !', "\n"; IntegerFactory::$int = new


                return IntegerFactory::$int;



$tmp1 = new IntegerFactory;

$d1 = $tmp1->getInstance();


$tmp2 = new IntegerFactory;

$d2 = $tmp2->getInstance();


$d3 = $tmp1->getInstance();




[2004-03-26 15:21:46] leonel at nied dot unicamp dot br

Funny enough, I remember now that I got this code from an article from
Andy Gutsman himself: (see 10.static members)


[2004-03-26 15:20:13] leonel at nied dot unicamp dot br

I tried to implement a class with the Singleton pattern. However,
static variables do not seem to tie to the class, but rather to the
instance of the class.

Looking at bug 16245

I see that Mr. Flying and I have sort of 'exchanged' bugs. He got the
result I expected and I got the result he expected.

Notice 2 things: first, he assigned a primitive type to his variable,
whereas my variable holds an object; second, his variable is declared
inside the function, and mine is declared inside the class.

Reproduce code:

class IntegerFactory {

    private static $int = NULL;

    function __construct() {}

    public function getInstance() {

        if ( !isset($this->int) ) {

            echo 'null !', "\n"; $this->int = new IntegerFactory;


        return $this->int;



$tmp1 = new IntegerFactory;

$d1 = $tmp1->getInstance();


$tmp2 = new IntegerFactory;

$d2 = $tmp2->getInstance();


$d3 = $tmp1->getInstance();



Expected result:
null !

object(IntegerFactory)#2 (0) {


object(IntegerFactory)#2 (0) {


object(IntegerFactory)#2 (0) {


Actual result:
null !

object(IntegerFactory)#2 (0) {


null !

object(IntegerFactory)#4 (0) {


object(IntegerFactory)#2 (0) {



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