ID:               27619
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      johnmc at coldwavetech dot com
-Status:           Assigned
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2004-03-16 (dev)
 Assigned To:      pollita
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2004-03-17 10:46:46] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is a known bug that we're working on.  

What happens is the underlying stream buffers chunks of data (8192
bytes in this case -- that includes the response header) before filters
can ever be applies (even using the php://filter syntax as you did


[2004-03-17 00:06:07] johnmc at coldwavetech dot com

The PHP stream filters seem to skip the first bucket and then process
the remaining buckets.  This happens for all stream filters - both the
stock PHP filters and some custom filters that I have written.  The
code that reproduces the bug will demonstrate the problem quickly
because it displays HTML formatting and the remainder is just the text
with no tags.  

Reproduce code:

Expected result:
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor


blah blah blah

 is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is

 especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

 If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea

 of how it works, try the <a href="/tut.php">introductory tutorial.

 After that, check out the online manual,

 and the example archive sites and some of the other resources

 available in the links section.

 Ever wondered how popular PHP is? see the

 Netcraft Survey.

 PHP is a project of the

 Apache Software Foundation.

Thanks To



 pair Networks


 Server Central

 Redundant Networks


 Spry VPS Hosting

 eZ systems / HiT

Related sites




 Zend Technologies




 You can grab our news as an RSS feed via a daily dump in a file

 named news.rss.







Spanish PHP Mailing List Now at


 The Spanish PHP mailing list was relocated to our list server. If you
would like to subscribe

 to the list, you can do it via our mailing lists page. To read

 the archives, please see our news server.

International PHP Conference 2004 Amsterdam: Timetable and Open Source
PHP projects


 Having the CfP over now, the organizers of the

 International PHP Conference

 2004 Spring Edition Amsterdam have published the


 and workshop timetable. The Conference features 32 sessions and two

 power workshops. It will happen again at the

 RAI Conference Centre, Amsterdam.

 Open Source PHP projects can present themselves, like in

 the last years, for free on the Conference at the exhibition area

 the commercial exhibitors. Take your chance and contact

 Frank Stepan from

 Software &amp; Support.

PHP 4.3.5RC3 released!


 PHP 4.3.5RC3 has been released for testing. This 

 will be the last release candidate prior to the final release, so
please test it

 as much as possible. List of changes can be found in the 

 NEWS file.

PHP 5.0 Beta 4 released!


 PHP 5.0 Beta 4 has been released.  This fourth beta 

 of PHP 5 is also scheduled to be the last one (barring unexpected
surprises, that

 did occur with beta 3).  This beta incorporates dozens of bug fixes
since Beta 3,

 rewritten exceptions support, improved interfaces support, new

 SOAP support, as well as lots of other improvements, some of which are

 in the ChangeLog.

 Some of the key features of PHP 5 include:


  PHP 5 features the Zend Engine 2.



  XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are
now focused around the

  excellent libxml2 library (



  SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite,
please visit their




  A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML
as PHP objects. It can

  also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa.



  Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access
low-level socket

  operations on streams.


Conf&eacute;rence PHP Qu&eacute;bec 2004 - (Montr&eacute;al, March
25&amp;26rst, 2004)


 The PHP Qu&eacute;bec Association announces the Conference PHP
Qu&eacute;bec 2004.

 The conference features 20 sessions over 2 days, in English and

 3 tracks : PHP advanced technics, PHP professionnal and Open Source

 It will take place downtown Montr&eacute;al, Qu&eacute;bec, Canada.

 We are currently offering early bird prices.

 Students and Small Businesses are eligible for reduced prices.

 Buy your tickets early to get rebates and discount with the DVD!

 Learn more about those exciting days at

PaWS Tickets Now On Sale!


 The PaWS Group is proud to announce that

 tickets are now available for the first 

 PHP and Web Standards Conference. We are

 offering Weekend tickets (Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd only) as well
as Conference

 tickets (Friday 20th - Tuesday 24th) for the entire length of the

 Additionally, we also have Daily tickets available for each day of the

 Tickets will also be available on the door for those that simply want
to drop in.

 For ticket and accommodation Prices, look over our 

 pricing guide for more information.

 Purchase your tickets today for this

 one of a kind conference!

Call for Papers Reminder: O'Reilly Open Source Convention


 The 2004 O'Reilly Open

 Source Convention will be in Portland OR, July 26-30.


 your PHP-related talks and tutorials until the February 9 deadline.

php|cruise deadline set for February 15th


 The organizers of the php|cruise conference (March 

 1st through March 5th, 2004) have announced that February 15th will be

 the deadline to sign 

 up for the event. php|cruise features over 30 sessions, covering 

 material from beginner to advanced level, and takes place onboard a 

 cruise ship bound for the Bahamas islands.

PHP and Web Standards Conference - UK 2004


 The PaWS Group is pleased to announce the first ever UK PHP and Web
Standards Conference.

 PaWS Con will cover using PHP and Web Standards separately and in

 conjunction with each other. The conference will take place

 from February 20th - 24th 2004.

 The Call for Papers has

 been announced with a deadline of January 17th.

 Pre-Registration for

 early-bird savers is now also open, so register to earn your

 discount and provide PaWS with valuable feedback.

Vancouver PHP Conference 2004


 The Vancouver PHP Users Association presents The PHP Vancouver

 on January 22-23, a professional and technical conference focused on
the PHP scripting language.

 The goal of this conference is to bring together some of the world's
leading PHP developers and

 business professionals to share their experience with both students
and PHP professionals in a series of talks.

PHP Community Site Project Announced


 Members of the PHP community are seeking

 volunteers to help develop the first Web site that is created both by

 the community and for the community. The features of this project will

 driven by the needs and desires of the community as much as possible

 may include such things as blogs, news, FAQs, articles, links, and


 If you would like to contribute, please contact Chris Shiflett, who

 coordinating this project. There is a need for every type of

 including developers, translators, administrators, designers, writers,


PHP Magazine in PDF Format


 Software & Support Media,

 producers of the International

 PHP Conference, are pleased to announce a new monthly version of

 print publication, the "International

 PHP Magazine", published in PDF format and distributed

 electronically. The first issue is available for free on

 the magazine's website.

First PHP dedicated DVD released!


 The PHP Qu&eacute;bec is pleased to announce the immediate

 of PHP Qu&eacute;bec DVD. Over 6 hours of conferences, recorded in

 Montr&eacute;al, in March 2003. DVD is subtitled in English and

 making legendary sessions from Rasmus and Zeev available anywhere 

 in the world. 


 This DVD makes a nice christmas present for every PHP enthusiast.

 Available in

 English or 


Call for Participation: MySQL User Conference 2004


 The Call

 for Participation for the 2004 MySQL User Conference is

 now open. MySQL is looking for sessions that speak to your peers:

 practical, pragmatic and clueful presentations that focus on how

 you solved problems in a demanding or unique technical environment.

 Additionally, the conference is looking for solid proposals for

 Bird-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions and Lightning Talks.

 The call for papers closes on January 14th. The call for BoFs and

 lightning talks closes on February 14th. The conference will take

 place on April 14th to 16th in Orlando, Florida, USA.

First Bulgarian and Second Hungarian PHP Conference


 The First Bulgarian

 PHP conference will be held within the framework of the 2004 Web

 Conference in Sofia in March. The goal of the meeting is to discuss
the trends and

 to popularize PHP among the business, education and services sectors.
The organizers

 welcome proposals for sessions and company presentations.

 Also coming in March 2004 is the Second Hungarian

 PHP Conference building on last year's successful event. The Call For
Papers is

 open for the conference, speakers are welcome to hold sessions and
workshops ranging

 from PHP internals to web standard compliance. The event is
exclusively in Hungarian.

News Archive


  This mirror sponsored by:

Upcoming Events [add]


User Group Events

17. Seattle

17. Calgary

17. Wellington NZ

20. Stuttgart

20. Kansas City

23. New York

23. AzPHP

23. Smarty Templates

25. Hamburg

25. Apéro PHP Lille

29. Long Island PHP Users Group

31. Munich


25. PHP Québec conference

27. Second Hungarian PHP Conference


16. UK - &quot;PHP Programming&quot;

16. OnLine Training


17. PHP Training in San Francisco

22. PHP Programming en PHP Advanced

22. PHP Programming

22. Formation maîtrise PHP à Paris

22. Cours Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP

23. UK PHP Training

23. Seattle PHP Training

25. PHP Brasil - Training

27. PHP &amp; OOP

28. OSSuite Training

29. PHP/MySQL Bootcamp | 5 Days!

30. Boston-Area PHP Training


User Group Events


1. SDPHP (San Diego, CA)

1. Hannover

1. Meetup Day

1. Sydney PHP Group meeting

1. Omaha PHP Users Group Meetup

1. Melbourne PHP Group meeting

2. Frankfurt

2. Köln/Bonn

2. Reunión mensual

3. Chicago

3. Bijeenkomst phpgg

7. AFUP : Extreme Programming

8. Vancouver

14. Twin Cities

14. MySQL Users Conference &amp; Expo 20

17. Stuttgart

17. Kansas City

21. Seattle

21. Calgary

21. Wellington NZ

26. Long Island PHP Users Group

27. New York

27. AzPHP

28. Munich

29. Hamburg


1. PHP/MySQL Bootcamp | 5 Days!

1. Extreme PHP

1. Cursos PHP Venezuela

1. Boston-Area PHP Training

3. PHP &amp; Oracle

5. MySQL Spain

5. PHP-Madrid

5. Curso PHP Madrid

5. PHP E-Learning/Germany

5. Curso on-line ActionScript / PHP

5. PHP &amp; MySQL Training in Kassel

5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to PHP

6. Curso on-line de PHP-MySQL

12. PHP &amp; MySQL Training / Frankfurt

14. PHP Training in San Francisco

19. PHP &amp; MySQL Training / Gießen

19. Cours Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP

22. PHP Brasil - Training

25. OSSuite Training

27. UK PHP Training

28. PHP &amp; MySQL (Intensive)





show source | credits | sitemap | contact | mirror sites&nbsp;  




  Copyright &copy; 2001-2004 The PHP GroupAll rights reserved.


   This mirror generously provided by:   Web Hosting Talk

   Last updated: Tue Mar 16 23:16:03 2004 EST   



Actual result:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



 <title>PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor</title>

 <link rel="stylesheet"
href=""; />

 <link rel="stylesheet"
href=""; />

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href=""; />

 <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"

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      link="#000099" alink="#0000ff" vlink="#000099"

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<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">

 <tr bgcolor="#9999cc">

  <td align="center" rowspan="2" width="126"><a href="/"><img
src=""; alt="PHP"
width="120" height="67" hspace="3" /></a></td>



 <tr bgcolor="#9999cc">

  <td align="right" valign="bottom">

<a href="/downloads.php" class="small">downloads</a> | <a
href="/docs.php" class="small">documentation</a> | <a href="/FAQ.php"
class="small">faq</a> | <a href="/support.php" class="small">getting
help</a> | <a href="/mailing-lists.php" class="small">mailing lists</a>
| <a href=""; class="small">reporting bugs</a> | <a
href="/sites.php" class="small"> sites</a> | <a
href="/links.php" class="small">links</a> | <a href="/my.php"



 <tr bgcolor="#333366"><td colspan="2"><img
src=""; width="1"
height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td></tr>

 <tr bgcolor="#666699">

   <td align="right" valign="top" colspan="2" class="quicksearch">

    <form method="post" action="/search.php" class="thin"

<small><span title="Keyboard shortcut: Alt+S (Win), Ctrl+S
(Apple)"><u>s</u>earch for</span></small>

<input class="small" type="text" name="pattern" value="" size="30"
accesskey="s" />

<small>in the</small>

<select name="show" class="small">

<option value="quickref" selected="selected">function list</option>

<option value="wholesite">whole site</option>

<option value="manual">online documentation [en]</option>

<option value="bugdb">bug database</option>

<option value="maillist">general mailing list</option>

<option value="devlist">developer mailing list</option>

<option value="phpdoc">documentation mailing list </option>


<input type="image"
alt="search" align="bottom" />&nbsp;




 <tr bgcolor="#333366"><td colspan="3"><img
src=""; width="1"
height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td></tr> 



<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

 <tr valign="top">

  <td width="200" bgcolor="#f0f0f0">

   <table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0">

    <tr valign="top"><td class="sidebar">

<h3>What is PHP?</h3>


 <acronym title="recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext

 is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is

 especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

 If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea

 of how it works, try the <a href="/tut.php">introductory tutorial.

 After that, check out the online manual,

 and the example archive sites and some of the other resources

 available in the links section.

 Ever wondered how popular PHP is? see the

 Netcraft Survey.

 PHP is a project of the

 Apache Software Foundation.

Thanks To



 pair Networks


 Server Central

 Redundant Networks


 Spry VPS Hosting

 eZ systems / HiT

Related sites




 Zend Technologies




 You can grab our news as an RSS feed via a daily dump in a file

 named news.rss.







Spanish PHP Mailing List Now at


 The Spanish PHP mailing list was relocated to our list server. If you
would like to subscribe

 to the list, you can do it via our mailing lists page. To read

 the archives, please see our news server.

International PHP Conference 2004 Amsterdam: Timetable and Open Source
PHP projects


 Having the CfP over now, the organizers of the

 International PHP Conference

 2004 Spring Edition Amsterdam have published the


 and workshop timetable. The Conference features 32 sessions and two

 power workshops. It will happen again at the

 RAI Conference Centre, Amsterdam.

 Open Source PHP projects can present themselves, like in

 the last years, for free on the Conference at the exhibition area

 the commercial exhibitors. Take your chance and contact

 Frank Stepan from

 Software &amp; Support.

PHP 4.3.5RC3 released!


 PHP 4.3.5RC3 has been released for testing. This 

 will be the last release candidate prior to the final release, so
please test it

 as much as possible. List of changes can be found in the 

 NEWS file.

PHP 5.0 Beta 4 released!


 PHP 5.0 Beta 4 has been released.  This fourth beta 

 of PHP 5 is also scheduled to be the last one (barring unexpected
surprises, that

 did occur with beta 3).  This beta incorporates dozens of bug fixes
since Beta 3,

 rewritten exceptions support, improved interfaces support, new

 SOAP support, as well as lots of other improvements, some of which are

 in the ChangeLog.

 Some of the key features of PHP 5 include:


  PHP 5 features the Zend Engine 2.



  XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are
now focused around the

  excellent libxml2 library (



  SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite,
please visit their




  A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML
as PHP objects. It can

  also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa.



  Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access
low-level socket

  operations on streams.


Conf&eacute;rence PHP Qu&eacute;bec 2004 - (Montr&eacute;al, March
25&amp;26rst, 2004)


 The PHP Qu&eacute;bec Association announces the Conference PHP
Qu&eacute;bec 2004.

 The conference features 20 sessions over 2 days, in English and

 3 tracks : PHP advanced technics, PHP professionnal and Open Source

 It will take place downtown Montr&eacute;al, Qu&eacute;bec, Canada.

 We are currently offering early bird prices.

 Students and Small Businesses are eligible for reduced prices.

 Buy your tickets early to get rebates and discount with the DVD!

 Learn more about those exciting days at

PaWS Tickets Now On Sale!


 The PaWS Group is proud to announce that

 tickets are now available for the first 

 PHP and Web Standards Conference. We are

 offering Weekend tickets (Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd only) as well
as Conference

 tickets (Friday 20th - Tuesday 24th) for the entire length of the

 Additionally, we also have Daily tickets available for each day of the

 Tickets will also be available on the door for those that simply want
to drop in.

 For ticket and accommodation Prices, look over our 

 pricing guide for more information.

 Purchase your tickets today for this

 one of a kind conference!

Call for Papers Reminder: O'Reilly Open Source Convention


 The 2004 O'Reilly Open

 Source Convention will be in Portland OR, July 26-30.


 your PHP-related talks and tutorials until the February 9 deadline.

php|cruise deadline set for February 15th


 The organizers of the php|cruise conference (March 

 1st through March 5th, 2004) have announced that February 15th will be

 the deadline to sign 

 up for the event. php|cruise features over 30 sessions, covering 

 material from beginner to advanced level, and takes place onboard a 

 cruise ship bound for the Bahamas islands.

PHP and Web Standards Conference - UK 2004


 The PaWS Group is pleased to announce the first ever UK PHP and Web
Standards Conference.

 PaWS Con will cover using PHP and Web Standards separately and in

 conjunction with each other. The conference will take place

 from February 20th - 24th 2004.

 The Call for Papers has

 been announced with a deadline of January 17th.

 Pre-Registration for

 early-bird savers is now also open, so register to earn your

 discount and provide PaWS with valuable feedback.

Vancouver PHP Conference 2004


 The Vancouver PHP Users Association presents The PHP Vancouver

 on January 22-23, a professional and technical conference focused on
the PHP scripting language.

 The goal of this conference is to bring together some of the world's
leading PHP developers and

 business professionals to share their experience with both students
and PHP professionals in a series of talks.

PHP Community Site Project Announced


 Members of the PHP community are seeking

 volunteers to help develop the first Web site that is created both by

 the community and for the community. The features of this project will

 driven by the needs and desires of the community as much as possible

 may include such things as blogs, news, FAQs, articles, links, and


 If you would like to contribute, please contact Chris Shiflett, who

 coordinating this project. There is a need for every type of

 including developers, translators, administrators, designers, writers,


PHP Magazine in PDF Format


 Software & Support Media,

 producers of the International

 PHP Conference, are pleased to announce a new monthly version of

 print publication, the "International

 PHP Magazine", published in PDF format and distributed

 electronically. The first issue is available for free on

 the magazine's website.

First PHP dedicated DVD released!


 The PHP Qu&eacute;bec is pleased to announce the immediate

 of PHP Qu&eacute;bec DVD. Over 6 hours of conferences, recorded in

 Montr&eacute;al, in March 2003. DVD is subtitled in English and

 making legendary sessions from Rasmus and Zeev available anywhere 

 in the world. 


 This DVD makes a nice christmas present for every PHP enthusiast.

 Available in

 English or 


Call for Participation: MySQL User Conference 2004


 The Call

 for Participation for the 2004 MySQL User Conference is

 now open. MySQL is looking for sessions that speak to your peers:

 practical, pragmatic and clueful presentations that focus on how

 you solved problems in a demanding or unique technical environment.

 Additionally, the conference is looking for solid proposals for

 Bird-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions and Lightning Talks.

 The call for papers closes on January 14th. The call for BoFs and

 lightning talks closes on February 14th. The conference will take

 place on April 14th to 16th in Orlando, Florida, USA.

First Bulgarian and Second Hungarian PHP Conference


 The First Bulgarian

 PHP conference will be held within the framework of the 2004 Web

 Conference in Sofia in March. The goal of the meeting is to discuss
the trends and

 to popularize PHP among the business, education and services sectors.
The organizers

 welcome proposals for sessions and company presentations.

 Also coming in March 2004 is the Second Hungarian

 PHP Conference building on last year's successful event. The Call For
Papers is

 open for the conference, speakers are welcome to hold sessions and
workshops ranging

 from PHP internals to web standard compliance. The event is
exclusively in Hungarian.

News Archive


  This mirror sponsored by:

Upcoming Events [add]


User Group Events

17. Seattle

17. Calgary

17. Wellington NZ

20. Stuttgart

20. Kansas City

23. New York

23. AzPHP

23. Smarty Templates

25. Hamburg

25. Apéro PHP Lille

29. Long Island PHP Users Group

31. Munich


25. PHP Québec conference

27. Second Hungarian PHP Conference


16. UK - &quot;PHP Programming&quot;

16. OnLine Training


17. PHP Training in San Francisco

22. PHP Programming en PHP Advanced

22. PHP Programming

22. Formation maîtrise PHP à Paris

22. Cours Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP

23. UK PHP Training

23. Seattle PHP Training

25. PHP Brasil - Training

27. PHP &amp; OOP

28. OSSuite Training

29. PHP/MySQL Bootcamp | 5 Days!

30. Boston-Area PHP Training


User Group Events


1. SDPHP (San Diego, CA)

1. Hannover

1. Meetup Day

1. Sydney PHP Group meeting

1. Omaha PHP Users Group Meetup

1. Melbourne PHP Group meeting

2. Frankfurt

2. Köln/Bonn

2. Reunión mensual

3. Chicago

3. Bijeenkomst phpgg

7. AFUP : Extreme Programming

8. Vancouver

14. Twin Cities

14. MySQL Users Conference &amp; Expo 20

17. Stuttgart

17. Kansas City

21. Seattle

21. Calgary

21. Wellington NZ

26. Long Island PHP Users Group

27. New York

27. AzPHP

28. Munich

29. Hamburg


1. PHP/MySQL Bootcamp | 5 Days!

1. Extreme PHP

1. Cursos PHP Venezuela

1. Boston-Area PHP Training

3. PHP &amp; Oracle

5. MySQL Spain

5. PHP-Madrid

5. Curso PHP Madrid

5. PHP E-Learning/Germany

5. Curso on-line ActionScript / PHP

5. PHP &amp; MySQL Training in Kassel

5. The Hitchhiker's Guide to PHP

6. Curso on-line de PHP-MySQL

12. PHP &amp; MySQL Training / Frankfurt

14. PHP Training in San Francisco

19. PHP &amp; MySQL Training / Gießen

19. Cours Linux/Apache/mySQL/PHP

22. PHP Brasil - Training

25. OSSuite Training

27. UK PHP Training

28. PHP &amp; MySQL (Intensive)





show source | credits | sitemap | contact | mirror sites&nbsp;  




  Copyright &copy; 2001-2004 The PHP GroupAll rights reserved.


   This mirror generously provided by:   Web Hosting Talk

   Last updated: Tue Mar 16 23:16:03 2004 EST   




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