ID:               20298
 Comment by:       phpbugs at kevin dot offwhite dot net
 Reported By:      phpbug at tab1 dot clara dot co dot uk
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         ODBC related
 Operating System: Windows 2000 Server SP4
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS
 New Comment:

I'm seeing this problem on a Red Hat 9 system running PHP 4.3.5 on
Apache 2.0.

I have check_persistent and allow_persistent On, and phpinfo() reports
1 active persistent link.  I'm not clear if the problem is in the ODBC
Driver not reporting back to php that the server has terminated the
link, or if PHP is not properly checking if the persistent link needs
to be re-established, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to report the bug
here and see what we can come up with.

An interesting thing is that while phpinfo() reports only one
persistent link, a netstat on the webserver shows 6 connections to the
database server.  When I load the page with the odbc_pconnect call, it
will alternate between working and not working from pageload to
pageload, so it seems that some of those connections are good and
others are not, and php is not removing the bad connection from the
hash list.

The error message I get is:

Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [unixODBC][IBM][iSeries Access ODBC
Driver]Communication link failure. comm rc=10054 - CWBCO1047 - The
iSeries server application disconnected the connection, SQL state 08S01
in SQLExecDirect in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/test.php on line 15

Previous Comments:

[2003-12-02 04:47:47] phpbug at tab1 dot clara dot co dot uk

okay this was tested with: php4-win32-STABLE-200312020930

1st run:

resource(2) of type (odbc link persistent)

followed by the correct query results

2nd run (after killing db connection):

resource(1) of type (odbc link persistent)

Warning: odbc_exec(): SQL error: [Informix][Informix ODBC
Driver]Communication link failure., SQL state 08S01 in SQLExecDirect in
C:\InetPub\wwwroot\test.php on line 8


[2003-12-01 03:00:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can you add 'var_dump($dbconn);' after that odbc_pconnect() call..?
What does it output? (in the re-run)


[2003-02-20 04:58:12] t_o_m_ at yahoo dot com

Having reread all of this I see that nowhere have I mentioned I'm using
IIS (ISAPI) not Apache, if that makes a difference? I thought when I
put Windows in the OS box whoever read it would assume IIS.

In answer to your question "no", the behaviour is the same if
odbc.check_persistent is on or off.

The point is when it is off I would expect it to be my responsibility
to check the connection and would expect the error if I did not.

I would expect that when odbc.check_persistent was on odbc_pconnect was
supposed to check the connection for me if the connection it is about
to return from its pool is dead then it should discard it and create a
new one as when the pool is empty. Which is clearly not happening.


[2003-02-18 12:01:03] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well the nature of CGI doesn't really lend itself to supporting
persistant connections.  It's run when requested and then exited after
that.  So no data can really presist between pages that exists solely
in the CGI.  

So this behavior only exists when odbc.check_persistent is turned on?


[2003-02-17 10:08:22] t_o_m_ at yahoo dot com

Yes still a problem under 4.3.0 I am using the ISAPI module. I don't
believe that persistent connections are supported at all under CGI. So
odbc_pconnect == odbc_connect which would give the illusion of working,
although the connection would not actually be persisting.

The first time you reload the page after killing the database
connection you get:

Warning:  SQL error: No response from the backend;

Subsequent reloads give:

Warning:  SQL error: Could not send Query(connection dead);


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