ID:               19022
 Comment by:       phpbugs at chime dot tv dot cutthis
 Reported By:      phpbugs at mx4k dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: linux (rh7.3), apache 1.3.26
 PHP Version:      4.2.2
 New Comment:

I'm losing session variables randomly too. Sometimes I get the "Failed
to write..." error but not always.

Since I don't host my servers I can't give full server details. However
here's a test script on both servers with the relevant PHPInfo:

Server A:

Server B:

Test script:




  if($_SESSION["test"] == 1)


    echo "<center>Sessions work.</center><br><br>";




    $_SESSION["test"] = 1;

    echo "<center>Starting Session... Click refresh to see if the
session works or not.</center><br><br>";




Basically Server A works ALWAYS and remembers the session for upto 30
minutes. Server B randomly forgets the session in 1 second to 5
minutes. No session on Server B lasts more than 5 minutes.

The problem randomly started on Server B yesterday (Apr 1). We thought
it was output_buffering (and turned it ON) but that didn't help.
Problem was back this morning. The site was working perfectly for 3
weeks before breaking down randomly. If anyone can give any suggestions
I will be very thankful.

Previous Comments:

[2004-03-26 16:40:43] guertin at brucemaudesign dot com

Ok .. i got my setup working again .. an old bug that I 

had forgotten the workaround for

I added (right before my initial session_start()):


This destroys (presumably) any previous sessions 

leftover after an older login.  Maybe a php bug?  Maybe 

a browser issue?  Maybe a bit of both?  (I have it set 

to not use cookies but yet it still does).

Perplexing, but hopefully this helps out others that 

might run into this issue.


[2004-03-26 16:15:52] guertin at brucemaudesign dot com

Experiencing the same problems here... out of the blue.  

Machine was running beautifully then all of a sudden it 

stopped.  No one can log in.  I changed nothing... there 

was not so much as a shell login on the machine for 30+ 


sessions seem very fragile (as do many things in php 

lately, it's getting scarier to keep running in 

production environment).

[Fri Mar 26 16:14:04 2004] [error] PHP Warning:  Failed 

to write session data (files). Please verify that the 

current setting of session.save_path is correct (/

websites/sessions) in Unknown on line 0

I've done so far almost everything suggested that worked 

for others in here, none of it solved the problems.  I 

can tell you that:

1) it's NOT a permissions problem, my user running 

apache/php has full write access to /tmp

2) it's not required for this user to have a home 

directory.  For those that need to do this to 'fix' the 

problem, you OS is broken! (complain to your vendors)

3) it works for exactly one session.  The first login 

works fine and it seems that from there on in PHP tries 

to use the same session ID for everyone ?

4) manually deleting the existing session file allows on 

single login again after this.

Trying to track down more things. Really perplexing as 

to why/how it stopped working when it ran fine for a 8+ 



[2004-03-11 01:05:01] haccel at email dot com

After weeks of testing, I have fixed the problem at least for me.

The problem is the Zend Optimizer was corrupting/wiping (presumably)
the session data. Turning Zend Optimizer off completely fixed the
problem. When I turned Zend Optimizer back on and rebooted the session
problem was back again, this is the first reproducible action for me so

Would be interesting to know how many others with this problem have
Zend Optimizer running.


[2004-03-01 20:15:09] stewart dot james at vu dot edu dot au

Just started to expience this after a shift to a new server.

php 4.3.3 on Debian Sarge

I get the error when I return to the site after logging out.

Looking at the cookie data the cookie data PHPSESSID is being set to
null, which my browser is recording in it's cookie database. Then on
return the site attempts to access informaiotn for PHPSESSID=(NULL)
which is what I think is causing the problem with this error.

Does anyone else see the same problem on their respective sites?



[2004-01-21 08:45:26] august24_70 at yahoo dot com

I was having the problem on OpenBSD 3.2, Apache 1.3.26, PHP 3.2.3 when
running phpBB. I deleted all my cookies and logged back in again and
the problem went.

I don't use cookies for handling sessions, I pass it in the URL. ie
session.use_trans_sid = 1


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