ID:               27828
 Comment by:       r dot vanicek at seznam dot cz
 Reported By:      deanb at gbtn dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Sybase-ct (ctlib) related
 Operating System: Digital Unix 4.0F
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2004-04-02
 New Comment:

It worked fine in PHP 4.3.4 and PHP 4.3.5RC2, but PHP 4.3.5 (final) is
broken, and PHP 4.3.6RC3 is broken too. When sybase_free_result is
called, there is segmentation fault (my system is Debian GNU/Linux
woody, Apache 1.3.26).

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-07 10:46:37] hager at transgene dot fr


same bug with PHP5.0.0-RC1 and the latest PHP5 snapshot
PHP5-200404071230 : sybase_free_result() crashes. Should I open a new
bug report for PHP 5 ?


[2004-04-02 13:20:29] deanb at gbtn dot net

Nope, same crash with php4-STABLE-200404021630.


[2004-04-02 06:12:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2004-04-02 04:21:50] tvoigt at informatik dot tu-cottbus dot de

Hi there!

The bug ist reproducible here on Debian Woody + apache-1.3.29/php >=
4.3.4RC3, too. 

It was most probably introduced while fixing sybase_free_result() works
properly up to php-4.3.4RC2, but not with a patched 4.3.4RC2 to solve
bug #26407 (that patch then made it into 4.3.4RC3).

Well, I'm sorry for not testing sybase_free_result() afterwards, never
used it before...

Best regards,



[2004-04-01 15:59:18] deanb at gbtn dot net

If I use sybase_free_result() in a script, then php crashes.  The exact
same code works fine in php 4.3.4.

./configure  --with-sybase-ct=${SYBASE}






Reproduce code:

$db = sybase_connect("server", "user", "pass");

$res = sybase_query("select name from sysdatabases", $db);

while ($data = sybase_fetch_array($res)) {

        print "db: $data[0]\n";





Expected result:
a list of databases with no crashes

Actual result:
> php s.php

db: master

db: model

db: sybsystemprocs

db: tempdb

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

> dbx php core

dbx version 3.11.10

Type 'help' for help.

Core file created by program "php"

signal Segmentation fault at   [_efree:241 ,0x12013e7c8]       

(dbx) where

>  0 _efree(ptr = 0x52667250203a6264)
["/app/apps/web/php-4.3.5/Zend/zend_alloc.c":241, 0x12013e7c8]

   1 php_sybase_finish_results(result = 0x1400cd5b8)

   2 zif_sybase_free_result(ht = 1, return_value = 0x1400d8298,
this_ptr = (nil), return_value_used = 0)

   3 execute(op_array = 0x1400c52d8)
["/app/apps/web/php-4.3.5/Zend/zend_execute.c":1621, 0x12016fdf4]

   4 zend_execute_scripts(type = 8, retval = (nil), file_count = 3)
["/app/apps/web/php-4.3.5/Zend/zend.c":889, 0x120155be0]

   5 php_execute_script(primary_file = 0x11fffec10)
["/app/apps/web/php-4.3.5/main/main.c":1731, 0x120116d84]

   6 main(argc = 2, argv = 0x11fffef28)
["/app/apps/web/php-4.3.5/sapi/cli/php_cli.c":822, 0x1201722e4]

(dbx) up

php_sybase_finish_results:1011  efree(result->tmp_buffer[i]);

(dbx) up

zif_sybase_free_result:1602  php_sybase_finish_results(result);


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