ID:               27810
 Comment by:       loki at arete dot cc
 Reported By:      renato at galle dot com dot br
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: FreeBSD-5.2.1-RELEASE-p4
 PHP Version:      4.3.5
 New Comment:

I also tried the latest php4 snapshot, as well as the 

latest php4 release candidate, and CVS HEAD for both 

php4-STABLE and php5.

None of them worked. This bug is not fixed in CVS, in 

snaps, or anywhere. It's not documented as being fixed, 

and the problem is still there.

I finally got fed up and took ext/pcre from php-4.3.4 

and used that instead of what you shipped with php

-5.0.0rc1, and that works fine.

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-12 02:55:30] loki at arete dot cc

I just tried the latest php5 snapshot. Problem still 


Is it only fixed in php4 cvs?

Can you tell us what the problem actually is? There's 

still no documentation of it in Changelog or in NEWS.


[2004-04-11 13:45:25] tomdkat at comcast dot net

I'm seeing this same (or similar) problem with Apache 2.0.49 and
PHP-4.3.6RC3 on Linux.  I'm trying to test mod_perl-1.99-13 with Apache
2.0.49 and PHP-4.3.6RC3 and I get this:








All tests successful, 4 tests skipped.

Files=174, Tests=1076, 277 wallclock secs (158.69 cusr + 18.64 csys =
177.33 CPU)

[warning] server linux:8529 shutdown

[warning] port 8529 still in use...


[  error] oh golly, server dumped core 

[  error] for stacktrace, run: gdb /usr/local/apache-2.0.49/bin/httpd
-core /home/tom/mod_perl-1.99_13/t/core.17388

So, I run the gdb command above and get this backtrace:

(gdb) bt

#0  0x40300860 in ?? ()

#1  0x08071601 in regex_cleanup (preg=0x864c9c8) at util.c:258

#2  0x4011da0d in run_cleanups (cref=0x80a2f28) at apr_pools.c:1951

#3  0x4011d14d in apr_pool_destroy (pool=0x80a2f18) at apr_pools.c:730

#4  0x4011d208 in apr_pool_destroy (pool=0x80a0f10) at apr_pools.c:727

#5  0x0806efc3 in destroy_and_exit_process (process=0x864c9c8,
process_exit_value=140822984) at main.c:208

#6  0x0806fc33 in main (argc=9, argv=0xbfffdb44) at main.c:624

#7  0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/


If I remove the loading of the PHP module in Apache 2.0.49, the
mod_perl_1.99-13 test runs cleanly and no core files get generated. 



[2004-04-11 12:12:05] tomdkat at comcast dot net

I'm running  Apache/2.0.48 (Unix) mod_perl/1.99_13 Perl/v5.8.2
PHP/4.3.5 and I get this same crash when I try to restart Apache

My PCRE info:

PCRE Library Version    4.5 01-December-2003

Is everyone else using mod_perl?



[2004-04-10 21:21:05] sdfsdhfkg at hotmail dot com

I experience the exact same problem under FreeBSD 5.2.1 and also under
Windows XP (just testing my scripts on this platform, I don't use
Windows as a server).

Why don't the developers give details on exactly how this bug was fixed
in CVS? (If it was really fixed at all. Some people suggest that it was
not.) First they labeled this bug as 'bogus' when in fact it was not.
Now they say it has been fixed but don't give out any deatils. Is this
the way open source projects work?? If it's going to be like this, then
I must say open source developers are no better than Microsoft!! Maybe
they are just ashamed of a lame bug in their source and trying to keep
this as a secret? What's happening here??


[2004-04-10 04:44:01] nti at w4w dot net

Why are you telling it is fixed? It is not :-((( !!!

To restart apache with mod_php you have to "kill" shared memory area
with "ipcrm -m"


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