ID:               25863
 Comment by:       dmeeking at shaw dot ca
 Reported By:      salmanarshad2000 at yahoo dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         CGI related
 Operating System: win32 only
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS, 6CVS..
 New Comment:

I found that excluding c:\php\ from my (Norton) virus scanner fixed the
problem.  Some comments led me to believe that windows was getting
grumpy when multiple requests were being handled by php.exe.  This made
me wonder if the antivirus was locking the file, since it was set to
scan every exe upon execution.  Turning off scanning on the PHP folder
has fixed this problem for me (iis5 / PHP 4.3.6).

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-28 18:19:25] david dot blair at nsi1 dot com

I need to retract my earlier statement of: 
"After the reset, the CGI errors occurred only once per page."

3 days in and we've had a couple reoccurring page errors...the
frequency is going down, or people aren't getting back to me on the
problem...the latter is most likely the case here.

I should also state that we are running IIS 6 on 2003(I previously
wrote fault)


[2004-04-28 07:19:18] salmanarshad2000 at yahoo dot com

In my case, the problem disappeared mysteriously, after upgrading from
PHP 4.3.2 to PHP 4.3.3; No single line of code was changed. phpMyAdmin
and netOffice were the two applications that I had previously been
using and they caused the CGI misbehaved error frequently, but then the
problem disappeared after the upgrade.

Ok wait... I did other things too... upgrading php was a part of
maintainance operations I did in that time, other things include
removeing unnecessary programs, defragmenting hard disk, removing
unnecessary databases from mysql. Now I am not sure which one worked...
but I am not having that problem anymore. If I remember any thing else
I'll add it here.


[2004-04-27 18:32:08] david dot blair at nsi1 dot com

More information as I've had a chance to talk to our sa and users:

We've had the new pages (ones with images) up for a week and no one had
a problem until our IIS server puked last night.

After the reset, the CGI errors occurred only once per page.

ie: User Jay clicks thru to one of the pages that fits the conditions
described in this bug report...the server returns the CGI error. Jay
goes back and tries the page again, everything works fine...every user
after him sees the page okay.

But when a page is opened for the first time after the will
throw an error...this is only for pages that satisfy the conditions
I've posted earlier.

After about 28 hours from the reset, the users have self corrected the
problem by using the system...this might be what happened to
salmanarshad on his Jan. 27th post, but this doesn't explain why steve
on Apr. 23rd kept receiving the error until he removed the image tag...


[2004-04-27 16:15:02] david dot blair at nsi1 dot com

I can add onto / narrow down salmnarshad's info a bit:

I just had this error start popping up on pages where my main frame had
images added to it. I've had an image on the menu frame (which does not
get updated) and it hasn't caused any errors before.

In comparing against Salmnarshad's info my test cases are:
-Running PHP 4.3.4 on a 2000 server as CGI under IIS
-Running under 2 frames (only the main frame is being updated)
-I'm making MSSQL calls not MySQL calls on both the calling page, and
the next page displayed
-Using a header("Location: yada yada") redirect to move between pages
-The MSSQL connection is being closed just before the redirect, and
reopened right after is not being left open
-Our server is running over 1ghz
-Pages are being viewed by client machines (errors have occurred
haphazardly on different clients, we have been unable to replicate the
error everytime)

Simplest solution seems like the easiest for me...I'm going to dump the
images from the pages that are causing this problem to try and resolve
it quickly on my end.


[2004-04-23 08:39:44] steve at xcvr dot com

I've had had this issue occur in my fresh installation of 4.3.6 (Win2K,
CGI), even after applying all the recommended
fixes/changes/configurations. So far, I've found that if I remove one
particular image, the problem goes away.  Put the image back, and the
problem creeps up again.  I've changed around the <img> tag, and still
cannot get rid of the "...CGI application misbehaved...".

FWIW, this page uses SSL.


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