ID:               25876
 Comment by:       datacompboy at mail dot ru
 Reported By:      golden at riscom dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: freebsd 4.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:

Currently runned workaround via
auto_prepend_file       = /etc/httpd/phpinc.php

and in /etc/httpd/phpinc.php
<? session_module_name("files"); ?>

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-15 14:47:13] datacompboy at mail dot ru

I have running Apache
SERVER_SOFTWARE         Apache/1.3.20 Sun Cobalt (Unix) mod_jk mod_ssl/2.8.4
OpenSSL/0.9.7d PHP/4.3.7 mod_auth_pam_external/0.1 FrontPage/

Small code to see:

  session.save_handler  files     files
and below:
  Fatal error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module:
user (path: /tmp) in a.php on line 3

Can't say what to do to fix that _STRANGE_ error :/


[2004-06-14 01:43:26] sha3134 at njit dot edu

I was having this problem intially with php-4.3.2 with squieralmail.
After an upgrade of both SQ and PHP-4.3.7, the problem persists, though
more random. Hitting refresh usually clears this error. As i discovered
though the error happens with pages using start_session and 
session.save_path permissions for files are correct and i have tried
clearing it out. I have not tried the:

   ini_set('session.save_handler', 'files');

as i its already defined in my php.ini file. 

Note this is a very random bug/feature. Could this be due to high load
or high io on the server ?


[2004-05-27 09:23:21] yertletheturtle82 at yahoo dot com

I am running version 4.3.6 and receive this error consistently when
attempting to run phprojekt. It was running with no problems
previously. I am also running Drupal which uses php also, but seems to
have no problems at all. Not sure why this started happening all of a
sudden. Running RH9.0.
It seemed to start when I was trying to re-compile PHP with IMAP


[2004-05-25 03:14:02] darrel at lasvegaswebhosting dot com

This issue is becoming quite the thorn in my side.  We are hosting
about 30 sites that are having this problem with the Session_Start()
Function.  I was hoping that moving my clients to a new server would
eliminate this issue but it did not.  It is definately a PHP issue.

I also don't understand why this issue/bug report was closed.  It is
far from resolved.

Please enlighten me.




[2004-05-19 01:40:10] steve at bespokeinternet dot com

We have had this problem with various sites running off the same server
(Apache/1.3.29 - Unix Server). A recent upgrade to 4.3.6 has not
resolved the problem.

Same sites worked fine on other servers running recent versions of

Error message is sporadic and disappears with one or two refreshes.
With versions prior to 4.3.6 it was necessary to restart Apache to
clear the problem - that doesn't seem to be the case since the

Suggest reopening this bug report.


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