ID:               28799
 Comment by:       jim at herrick dot net
 Reported By:      l_anjanesh at yahoo dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Windows 2003 Server Enterprise
 PHP Version:      5.0.0RC3
 New Comment:

I had the same issue after replacing 5.0.0RC2 with 5.0.0RC3 (and also
with dev snapshot from 17-Jun) using IIS 5.1 and Windows XP SP1.  The
error shows up at the end when viewing the output from the single
command, phpinfo().  In all other pages, it shows up on the first line
of output.  

The first thing I did was disable *all* extensions.  Nothing changed. 

Then I checked permissions and file attributes on the PHP directory. 
Couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.  

Hope this helps!


Previous Comments:

[2004-06-15 19:29:56] l_anjanesh at yahoo dot com


I've finally decided to move to php5 (using IIS) because of its new
features but now I'm having second thoughts.
I extracted all the php5 files to C:\PHP and did all the relevant
configuring in IIS to php5 etc.

The first thing I tried out was phpinfo(); and it worked with no
errors. BUT my MySQL settings does not exist. There is not a single
"mysql" keyword in the phpinfo() page !!! All worked ok with php4.3.4.
My MySQL ver is 4.0. This is strange because : I have a site already
made in php4.3.4 and works OK. Now the html tags are showing but with
the first line PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 016E73DD.
Then I did a test(index.php) in test folder the result was HTTP 500
Internal Server Error
The location http://localhost/test/index.php exists and works in
php4.3.4. All it contains

This is strange because in one location theres all these html tags with
php lines and displays the page except when trying to conect to the db
(since mysql is not found) with the access violation error and then
there is this other location which doesn't even load giving 500
internal server error.
I have NO IDEA what the problem is now.
If I can't find a solution to this I'll have to switch back to php4.
Please help

This is what I did :
1. Extracted to C:\PHP5
2. Configured IIS to PHP5 files (php5isapi.dll)
3. Copied php5ts.dll to c:\windows\system32 (but did not delete
4. Made all the necessary settings in php.ini (as same as php.ini for
php4 except the extensions dir to ext). Did not make any settings for
mysql though since I never had to for php4.3.4 and it worked.
5. Made no changes to MySQL because the no: of times that I have
configured php4, I first unzipped mysql & then php and everyhing
worked. Therefore I did not unzip mysql again.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:

Actual result:
If html tags exists then they'll show with
PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 016E73DD
and of course fatal error for mysql connnection if mysql functions

But if just php code is there then its
HTTP 500 Internal Server Error


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