ID:               28848
 Comment by:       uncledave at xmail dot net
 Reported By:      PatrickLehmann at freenet dot de
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:      5.0.0RC3
 New Comment:

I've experienced the same problem. I'm running XP with Apache 2.04.3 &
PHP 5.0 RC3.

I cannot run Apache/PHP with the mysql.dll extension. I get "PHP
Startup: Unable to load dyanmic library 'c:\PHP\ext\php_mysql.dll - The
specified module could not be found.'

I have reset to run 4.x and it runs perfectly.. back to 5.0 and the
same error.

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-20 00:22:03] PatrickLehmann at freenet dot de


my system:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
Apache 2.0.49
PHP 5.0 RC 3
MySQL 4.0.18

apache with php is running successfully if mysql extension ist

when i enable the extension
apache coundn't be started
- no error message
- port 80 is used for apache (a 2. start stops with an error that port
80 is used yet)
- apache is loaded into the RAM

libmysql.dll was copyed to C:\Windows

php runs perfectliy if mysql is disabled, but with this extension ames
no reaction....

ok, than the 2. problem
IIS 6.0 doesn't work with the ISAPI extension of php 5
ISAPI Filter is set to
Filter name: PHP 5 RC 3

the error message is an 404 error in the browser
(index.php with phpinfo command)


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