ID:               28879
 User updated by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Arrays related
 Operating System: WinXP
 PHP Version:      5.0.0RC3
 New Comment:

I'm going to re-paste the Reproduce Code section, as it is rather

Part 1;
Inconsistant behaviour between different methods of array creation.

// Create two resources
$fp1 = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$fp2 = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);

// Add them to an array with two different methods
$resarray = array(); $resarray[$fp1] = 'fp1';
$resarray2 = array($fp1 => 'fp1', $fp2 => 'fp2');

// Show the result
echo "resources: first method:\n";
echo "resources: second method:\n";

With Method #1 there is no problem.
With Method #2 no error is thrown, and the array is not populated.

Part 2;
Failure of an object to cast itself to an interger or string. With the
second method, failure to produce an error.

// Create a sample object
class id_obj { var $_id; function id_obj($id) { $this->_id = $id; } }

// Create two new instances
$id1 = new id_obj(1);
$id2 = new id_obj(2);

// Add them to an array with two different methods described above
$array = array(); $array[$id1] = 'foo';
$array2 = array ($id1 => 'id1', $id2 => 'id2');

// Check the results
echo "objects: first method:\n";
echo "objects: second method:\n";

In Method #1, an error is thrown (Illegal offset type). The array is
not populated.

In Method #2, no error is thrown and the array is not populated.

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-22 17:59:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's a little more information for Part 1, as I don't think I really
explained myself.

For example:
// Let $fp1 and $fp2 be resources

// Array creation - Method #1
$resarray = array();
$resarray[$fp1] = 'fp1';
$resarray[$fp2] = 'fp2';

// Method #2
$resarray2 = array(
    $fp1 => 'fp1',
    $fp2 => 'fp2');

For Method #1, PHP behaves as expected. The resource is casted to an
interger and the array is populated.

For Method #2, PHP does not behave as I would expect. The resource is
not casted, no error is thrown and the array is not populated.

This is demonstrated in the Reproduce Code section.


[2004-06-22 11:42:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug report pertains to two seperate but related problems:

1. Unexpected and undocumented behaviour, between $foo[] and $foo =

2. Automatic conversion of objects to strings when used as the key in
an array.

Part 1;
With a given resource, the automatic casting of a resource to an
interger differs based on the method of array creation.

This is both unexpected, and undocumented behaviour. I can see no
reason why this would be a feature, rather than a bug.

I suggest the behaviour be changed to be consistant with both methods
of array creation.

Part 2;
When an object is used as the key of an array (with behaviour changing
between method of array creation), should n't the object be casted to
an interger or the __toString method called?

When used with array() no error is thrown, the array is simply empty.
With $foo[__object__] an error is thrown.

I suggest the behaviour of objects as array keys be changed to be
consistant with that of resources.

The code in the reproduce code section demonstrates both aspects of the
behavioural issue.

Reproduce code:
// Create a sample object
class id_obj { var $_id; function id_obj($id) { $this->_id = $id; } }
// Create two new objects
$id1 = new id_obj(1);
$id2 = new id_obj(2);
// Add them to an array with two different methods
$array = array(); $array[$id1] = 'foo';
$array2 = array ($id1 => 'id1', $id2 => 'id2');
echo "objects: first method:\n";
echo "objects: second method:\n";

// Create two resources
$fp1 = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$fp2 = fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
// Add them to an array with two different methods
$resarray = array(); $resarray[$fp1] = 'fp1';
$resarray2 = array($fp1 => 'fp1', $fp2 => 'fp2');
// Show the result
echo "resources: first method:\n";
echo "resources: second method:\n";


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