ID:               24621
 User updated by:  eric at cosky dot com
 Reported By:      eric at cosky dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP 1
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2003-07-12 (dev)
 New Comment:

Basically this was the problem: I had two copies of the DLL on my
system: The one I should have been using, and one old & unusable one
sitting in my c:\windows\system32 folder. Everything seemed OK because
it was able to sort of work, but in fact it was using the wrong DLL.
The fix was to eliminate the duplicate DLL, and adjust my system path
(ie My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->System
Variables where there is a Path Entry; simply add ";c:\mysql" or
wherever you keep your DLL to the end of the existing path). Adjusting
the system path let me avoid copying the DLL into the system folder
which is what I did the first time and - since I had forgotten about it
- was ultimately responsible for the problem in the first place - that
is, having an obsolete DLL being used instead of the current one simply
because it was in the system folder. It's hard to keep track of versions
of stuff when they get copied into the system folder; you're much better
off to just adjust paths so that when you update whatever apps you have
you don't have to muck about inside c:\windows\* looking for & removing
obsolete stuff.

Eric Cosky

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-19 05:32:33] mike at mcmahon dot com

Yes, please explain further, i am having this same problem which is not
good because now i cant connect to my SQL databases which i need for
registration procedures and such.  Im a bit confused and so far this is
the closest ive seen to an actuall fix.


[2004-03-23 14:27:29] gerrykwan at netvigator dot com

Could you please explain the solution a little bit more?
I cannot figure out it, where should the libmySQL.dll be placed?


[2003-07-12 16:22:03] eric at cosky dot com

Thanks for the quick suggestion!

That wasn't quite the problem, but close enough to give me a clue for
what to look for. After I verified the DLL was in fact being loaded, I
was able to determine that the DLL being loaded wasn't the correct
version - I had a DLL from a previous version of PHP lingering in my
windows/system32 folder that was getting found in the search path
before the current version.

Once again I am reminded of why I should never copy DLLs to the windows
directory and instead just update global path search variables so I
don't have old versions lurking about like this.

Thanks again,
Eric Cosky


[2003-07-12 13:22:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Be sure to also copy libmySQL.dll to the appropriate location (like you
do with every other DLL in the dlls/ folder).


[2003-07-12 12:44:09] eric at cosky dot com

Using PHP snapshot file from today:

PHP appears to be installed and working, except when I tried to use
phpMyAdmin with it where phpMyAdmin started saying that mysql support
wasn't enabled. Looking into it further, php_info() does not show any
mysql extensions enabled. I haven't seen it clearly stated that mysql
needs to be explicitly loaded now in php version 5.0 but it has been
implied in a couple places so I think the thing to do was add the
following line to php.ini:


When starting php, this dialog box comes up:

"Unknown(): Unable to load dynamic library
'C:\php\extensions\php_mysql.dll' - The specified procedure could not
be found"

This seems like it is what I need to be doing, and the result seems
possibly due to a bug.
Thanks for any info,
Eric Cosky

Reproduce code:
<?php php_info(); ?>

Expected result:
I expect to see mysql extensions described along with everything else.


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