ID:               28898
 Comment by:       louis at spamisbad dot steelbytes dot com dot veryevil
 Reported By:      sam at freepeers dot com
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.7
 New Comment:

> What extensions are you loading into your PHP? 

Hi, I've got very similar bug (28954)

I load the following extensions in the php.ini

Previous Comments:

[2004-06-29 17:59:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What extensions are you loading into your PHP? 


[2004-06-28 16:10:46] sam at freepeers dot com

I have stopped using ISAPI for now, this seems to prevent the bug from


[2004-06-28 10:22:47] miho at centrum dot cz

Same problem here.

Windows 2003
PHP 4.3.7

SMP machine (Dual Xeon, HT disabled)

Application: phpBB. Problem occurs mainly on first loaded page (user
not logged in, cookie authentization). Perhaps session related problem.


[2004-06-23 21:13:44] sam at freepeers dot com

When loading a webpage, it occasionally shows "PHP has encountered an
Access Violation at 01350AFD" within the body of the page.

Windows 2000 Advanced Server cluster
PHP 4.3.7
Running as ISAPI module 

Server Info:

Display errors is turned off on this server, and errors are being
logged to the Event Log.  The main problem here is that an error is
being DISPLAYED to the end user.  It should be going to the Event Log

I am reporting this because some other similar bug reports have been
closed because the user did not provide enough information.  I am
willing to provide plenty of information if I can help to get this bug

Reproduce code:

Expected result:
Observe at

(hit refresh many times to get the error)

The expected result is a normal page of text and graphics.  The actual
result is that embedded within the text is an error message "PHP has
encountered an Access Violation at 01350AFD" , along with the expected


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