ID:               25827
 Comment by:       NoEmail at noDom dot com
 Reported By:      pennington at rhodes dot edu
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         LDAP related
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      4.3.3
 New Comment:


The key phrase in the posted link is: "do an
additional LDAP search for all users who have the attribute
primaryGroupID equal to the groups attribute primaryGroupToken". I've
done similar to this, but with one query for all groups'
distinguishedName and primaryGroupToken and another query for all
users' distinguishedName and primaryGroupID. Then matched and sorted in
code -- this is much faster than taking the overhead of multiple
ldapsearch queries.

Previous Comments:

[2004-04-30 16:20:11] pennington at rhodes dot edu

Wes, I think you have really hit on the source of the problem here, and
it is actually based with how Microsoft Active Directory reports/stores
group information and what most people would expect when they query for
that information. The document you linked to covers this issue well:;en-us;275523

I did some testing and, sure enough, Active Directory does not report
back the user's primary group as a part of the memberof attribute.
Rather, the primary group is reported as the group ID number in the
PrimaryGroupID attribute.

I think that most people expect to get all of a user's groups in the
memberof attribute, even the one set to primary group, but this is not
the way Active Directory is configured. (The link above is truly a
perfect example of dodging a bug and calling it a feature.)

Now that we know this, we can simply look up the PrimaryGroupID number
and try to determine what that group is and then add that to the
conditional statement looking for a match to the group we are using to
protect access. However, we have yet to find a method to look up an
Active Directory group name using the group's ID number via LDAP.

For example, if we query for PrimaryGroupID via LDAP for a user in AD,
we get this response:

primarygroupid:  1448

The issue is how do we turn the 1448 number into the actual name of the
group, which is returned by the memberof attribute like this:

CN=STAFF,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=rhodes,DC=edu

Anyone have any ideas?


[2004-04-29 16:53:15] whampton at new-albany dot k12 dot oh dot us

hey pennington, thanks for the quick response!  anyway, i have been
searching around some more information, but due to my relative
inexperience in this area (admittedly) some of this stuff is way over
my head.  it seems that at least this first article from our buddies at
microsoft indicated this is a known issue/feature...;en-us;275523

this second article kinda addresses it too, but it is pretty confusing
to me. it mentions the possibility of doing something with the
primarygroupid instead.;en-us;321360

anyway it seems that this problem exists in microsoft's active
directory, although i have no idea if it is exclusive to AD or not, but
AD is the current "solution" we are using for LDAP here.  the solutions
and workarounds seem to be far beyond my skill level and patience, and
since i am just trying to learn, and not necessarily NEEDING this
solution, i really probably should move on i guess, but i leave this
area darn frusterated.  maybe this is a combo AD/PHP bug, or maybe PHP
is just handing the AD bug...errrr feature, as best it can.  i know i'm
not much help here, but sometimes that affirmation in knowing you are
not the only one on earth having the problem helps bring some

good luck!  let me know if you need me to help test anything.



[2004-04-29 16:26:41] pennington at rhodes dot edu

Wes, thanks for confirming this bug for me. Yes, it is frustrating. PHP
(especially the [EMAIL PROTECTED] person) basically refuse to belive this
is a bug, and they say that even if it is, they use the OpenLDAP
libraries so they can do nothing about it. I pursued this with the
OpenLDAP folks (after verifying that this bug also happens on a variety
of platforms running OpenLDAP, including Windows and Linux), and they
just ignored me. I'm not sure who else to notify about it or how to get
it fixed.

We sorta worked around the bug here in the application we were building
by looking for a particular attribute in a user's Active Directory
record via LDAP, such as Department or Position. We test for a
particular value there instead of querying by AD group, which is much
better way of doing it.

Your note about primary groups being the ones left out of the list is
interesting. I'll have to check that out. Thanks.


[2004-04-29 15:50:08] whampton at new-albany dot k12 dot oh dot us

hey pennington! i am having this exact same problem as well, although i
have only started playing with php/ldap support for active directory
yesterday.  i realize that you have had this open for a very long time
and wondered if you have found any other useful information.  i am
using win2k server and php 4.3.5rc1. i did, however, want to confirm
that i am having this problem as well, in reponse to your frusteration
"I find it strange that no one has seen this before, because
Microsoft's Active Directory is probably the most widely-used
commercial LDAP server in the world."  apparently not many "microsoft
shops" are thinking outside of the box or looking to develop opensource
solutions, least not based on active directory.  anyway, the
problem is plain to see.  here's the breakdown for everyone:

you count the number of memberships that a user is part of in the
"Member Of" tab in the admin program for active directory on your
domain controller, and it is one more that php returns with its builtin
supprt.  one is missing, and it depends per user.  it's simple as that. 
here is one interesting thing though, and that is for every test that i
have run, the "memberof value" that is not returned by php is ALWAYS
the primary group that the user is set to in active directoy.  its the
little button you hit at the bottom of the "Member Of" tab.  whatever
is set there will not be returned in the memberof values of php's ldap
support.  any thoughts anyone has would be greatly appreciated, or
please provide a link to the solution if i have thick-headedly missed
it in my extensive searches...

thanks, wes


[2004-04-20 17:50:50] pennington at rhodes dot edu


I appreciate you posting your note about the unique way in which the
"Domain Users" group is handled (I didn't know that at all - very
interesting), I think my problem reported with this bug is actually a
different issue.

Even if I assumed that the number of groups returned by LDAP query is 1
less than the actual total (such as if the Domain Users group wasn't
counted), I still can't get a listing of all AD groups. One of the
groups, which seems to be selected at random (i.e. it is not always
Domain Users) is simply left out. If I change the array loop to
purposefully give me more members of the LDAP group array than the
person actually has groups, I still don't get all of that person's

In other words, the problem isn't limited to the Domain User's group -
LDAP through PHP simply does not let me see every one of the person's
groups. For some reason (and it is related to the OpenLDAP libraries
PHP uses), one of the groups, randomly selected, is always dropped.


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