ID:               29064
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      daniel dot beet at accuratesoftware dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Sybase-ct (ctlib) related
 Operating System: Windows 2000 Server
 PHP Version:      4.3.7
 Assigned To:      thekid
 New Comment:

Btw: Sybase-CT behaves like PHP itself (due to the afforementioned

$ php -r 'var_dump(12345678901234567890123456789012.123456);'

(the above result depends on the precision set:

$ php -dprecision=20 -r

Previous Comments:

[2004-07-11 13:19:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your bug report, first of all. 

> /* numerics can overflow real and long types, return as a string */
I would not like to do that in general. I use the
convert_scalar_to_number() function (defined in Zend/zend_operators.c)
on numerics to achieve the "best" result, which is:
* If the scale is 0 and if it fits into an int, make it an int, make it
a float otherwise (this simulates PHP's behaviour when overflowing
* If the scale is not 0, make it a float

Now what I forgot was that a float may not be able to hold the number
returned, therefore my suggestion would be to check for float overflow
and thus add this to the above list:

* If a float overflow is detected, make it a string

How's that?


[2004-07-08 17:08:17] daniel dot beet at accuratesoftware dot com

Sorry, forgot the SQL to insert test data:

insert into test 
(test_decimal, test_numeric, test_money, test_bigint, test_int,
test_smallmoney, test_smallint, test_tinyint, test_real, test_double) 

insert into test 
(test_decimal, test_numeric, test_money, test_bigint, test_int,
test_smallmoney, test_smallint, test_tinyint, test_real, test_double) 


[2004-07-08 17:06:18] daniel dot beet at accuratesoftware dot com

PHP's Sybase CT library converts all numeric datatypes to ints of
floats, so numbers outside their ranges lose precision.

The following patchs fix these issues in a similar way to mssql and
oci8 libs:

Compare: (<)php-4.3.7\ext\sybase_ct\php_sybase_ct. (3780
   with: (>)php-4.3.7\ext\sybase_ct\php_sybase_ct.h (3929 bytes)

<       int max_length, numeric;
>       int max_length, numeric, precision, scale;

Compare: (<)php-4.3.7\ext\sybase_ct\php_sybase_ct. (65966
   with: (>)php-4.3.7\ext\sybase_ct\php_sybase_ct.c (68800 bytes)

<                       case CS_MONEY4_TYPE:
<                               result->datafmt[i].maxlength = 24;
<                               result->numerics[i] = 2;
>                               result->datafmt[i].maxlength = 24;
>                               result->numerics[i] = 5;
>                               result->datafmt[i].precision = 19;
>                               result->datafmt[i].scale = 4;
>                               break;
>                       case CS_MONEY4_TYPE:
>                               result->datafmt[i].maxlength = 13;
>                               result->numerics[i] = 2;
>                               result->datafmt[i].precision = 10;
>                               result->datafmt[i].scale = 4;
<                               result->datafmt[i].maxlength = 
result->datafmt[i].precision + 3;
<                               /* numeric(10) vs numeric(10, 1) */
<                               result->numerics[i] = (result->datafmt[i].scale == 0) 
? 3 : 2;
>                               /* numerics can overflow real and long types, return 
> as a string
>                               result->datafmt[i].maxlength = 
> result->datafmt[i].precision + 3;
>                               /* numeric(10) vs numeric(10, 1) */
>                               result->numerics[i] = (result->datafmt[i].scale == 0) 
> ? 4 : 5;
<               result->fields[i].numeric = result->numerics[i];
>               result->fields[i].numeric = (result->numerics[i] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
>               result->fields[i].precision = result->datafmt[i].precision;
>               result->fields[i].scale = result->datafmt[i].scale;
<               case CS_NUMERIC_TYPE:
<               case CS_DECIMAL_TYPE:
<                       return "real";
>                       return "real";
>                       break;
>               case CS_NUMERIC_TYPE:
>               case CS_DECIMAL_TYPE:
>                       return "numeric";
>       add_property_long(return_value, "precision",
>       add_property_long(return_value, "scale",

Hope that helps! Thanks, Dan.

Reproduce code:
Create a table test:

create table test (
test_decimal    decimal(38, 6)  null,
test_numeric    numeric(38, 12) null,
test_money  money   null,
test_bigint decimal(38, 0)  null,
test_int    int null,
test_smallmoney smallmoney  null,
test_smallint   smallint    null,
test_tinyint    tinyint null,
test_real   float   null,
test_double float   null

execute the following script via php cli exe:



$conn = sybase_connect('yourserver', 'sa', 'password');
echo "Connection OK<br />\n";

sybase_select_db('test', $conn);
echo "DB selected OK<br />\n";

$result = sybase_query('select test_decimal, test_numeric, test_money,
test_smallmoney, test_bigint, test_int, test_smallint, test_tinyint,
test_real, test_double from test', $conn);
echo "Query OK<br />\n";

$f = sybase_num_fields($result);

for ($i = 0; $i < $f; $i++)
  $array[] = sybase_fetch_field($result, $i);

while ($ar = sybase_fetch_assoc($result))
  $array[] = $ar;

echo "Results fetched OK<br />\n";

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';



Expected result:
Connection OK<br />
DB selected OK<br />
Query OK<br />
Results fetched OK<br />
<pre>array (
  0 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_decimal';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'numeric';
    var $precision = 38;
    var $scale = 6;
  1 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_numeric';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'numeric';
    var $precision = 38;
    var $scale = 12;
  2 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_money';
    var $max_length = 21;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'money';
    var $precision = 19;
    var $scale = 4;
  3 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_smallmoney';
    var $max_length = 12;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'money';
    var $precision = 10;
    var $scale = 4;
  4 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_bigint';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'numeric';
    var $precision = 38;
    var $scale = 0;
  5 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_int';
    var $max_length = 11;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
    var $precision = 0;
    var $scale = 0;
  6 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_smallint';
    var $max_length = 6;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
    var $precision = 0;
    var $scale = 0;
  7 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_tinyint';
    var $max_length = 3;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
    var $precision = 0;
    var $scale = 0;
  8 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_real';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'real';
    var $precision = 0;
    var $scale = 0;
  9 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_double';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'real';
    var $precision = 0;
    var $scale = 0;
  10 =>
  array (
    'test_decimal' => '12345678901234567890123456789012.123456',
    'test_numeric' => '12345678901234567890123456.123456789012',
    'test_money' => '123456789012345.1234',
    'test_smallmoney' => 123456.1234,
    'test_bigint' => '12345678901234567890123456789012345678',
    'test_int' => 1234567890,
    'test_smallint' => 12345,
    'test_tinyint' => 123,
    'test_real' => 123456792,
    'test_double' => 123456792,
  11 =>
  array (
    'test_decimal' => '-12345678901234567890123456789012.123456',
    'test_numeric' => '-12345678901234567890123456.123456789012',
    'test_money' => '-123456789012345.1234',
    'test_smallmoney' => -123456.1234,
    'test_bigint' => '-12345678901234567890123456789012345678',
    'test_int' => -1234567890,
    'test_smallint' => -12345,
    'test_tinyint' => 255,
    'test_real' => -123456792,
    'test_double' => -123456792,

Actual result:
Connection OK<br />
DB selected OK<br />
Query OK<br />
Results fetched OK<br />
<pre>array (
  0 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_decimal';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'real';
  1 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_numeric';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'real';
  2 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_money';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'money';
  3 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_smallmoney';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'money';
  4 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_bigint';
    var $max_length = 40;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 3;
    var $type = 'real';
  5 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_int';
    var $max_length = 11;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
  6 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_smallint';
    var $max_length = 6;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
  7 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_tinyint';
    var $max_length = 3;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 1;
    var $type = 'int';
  8 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_real';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'real';
  9 =>
  class stdClass {
    var $name = 'test_double';
    var $max_length = 23;
    var $column_source = '';
    var $numeric = 2;
    var $type = 'real';
  10 =>
  array (
    'test_decimal' => 1.2345678901235E+31,
    'test_numeric' => 1.2345678901235E+25,
    'test_money' => 123456789012350,
    'test_smallmoney' => 123456.12,
    'test_bigint' => 1.2345678901235E+37,
    'test_int' => 1234567890,
    'test_smallint' => 12345,
    'test_tinyint' => 123,
    'test_real' => 123456792,
    'test_double' => 123456792,
  11 =>
  array (
    'test_decimal' => -1.2345678901235E+31,
    'test_numeric' => -1.2345678901235E+25,
    'test_money' => -123456789012350,
    'test_smallmoney' => -123456.12,
    'test_bigint' => -1.2345678901235E+37,
    'test_int' => -1234567890,
    'test_smallint' => -12345,
    'test_tinyint' => 255,
    'test_real' => -123456792,
    'test_double' => -123456792,


Edit this bug report at

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