ID:               29215
 User updated by:  rudy dot metzger at xs4all dot nl
 Reported By:      rudy dot metzger at xs4all dot nl
-Status:           Bogus
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         MySQL related
 Operating System: Linux RH ES 3
 PHP Version:      5.0.0
 New Comment:

parlnx03> select version();
| version()               |
| 4.1.3-beta-standard-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
parlnx03> show create table test;
| Table | Create Table                           |
| test  | CREATE TABLE `test` (
  `a` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `b` int(11) default NULL,
  `c` datetime default NULL,
  `d` float default NULL,
  `e` text
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Do not insert any data into the table (in practise, it does not matter
if you insert data or not, the result will be the same)

[command] php --version
PHP 5.0.0 (cli) (built: Jul 16 2004 13:57:08)
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

  $dbh = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'myself', 'mypwd' );
  mysql_select_db( 'test' );
  $sql = "SELECT a, b, c, d, e
            FROM test
           LIMIT 1";
  $res = mysql_unbuffered_query( $sql, $dbh );
  echo "Following is off by one index!\n";
  echo mysql_field_type( $res, 0 )." -> should be A, but is B\n";
  echo mysql_field_type( $res, 1 )." -> should be B, but is C\n";
  echo mysql_field_type( $res, 2 )." -> should be C, but is D\n";
  echo mysql_field_type( $res, 3 )." -> should be D, but is E\n";
  echo mysql_field_type( $res, 4 )." ALWAYS real";
  echo " NOTE: A is missing!\n";
  mysql_free_result( $res );
  mysql_close( $dbh );

---------------- SCRIPT OUTPUT --------------------------

[command] php db.php
Following is off by one index!
int -> should be A, but is B
datetime -> should be B, but is C
real -> should be C, but is D
blob -> should be D, but is E
real ALWAYS real NOTE: A is missing!

---------------- END OUTPUT -----------------------------

As you can see, the output is off by one index (actually, the first
field should be -1). The last field is always real  (cannot mapped
anymore, because index is off). At MySQL 4.1.2 alpha the last one was
random (real, unknown, ..)

An easy way to reproduce:
1) create the table
2) modify the script with your userid/pwd
3) run the script

Happy debugging! And hope I could be of some help.


Previous Comments:

[2004-07-16 18:35:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please use actual mysql version for server and client 
(4.1.3-beta). If you will be able to reproduce the bug, 
send a reproducable and short testscript (including create 
table statement, and insert statement, output of client 
and server version) and reopen this bug. 


[2004-07-16 16:30:42] rudy dot metzger at xs4all dot nl

mysql_file_type() returns bogus data. 

PHP 5.0.0

mysql> desc zpm_auth;
| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default             | Extra |
| userid   | varchar(20) |      | PRI |                     |       |
| username | varchar(50) | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
| password | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL                |       |
| creusr   | varchar(32) |      |     |                     |       |
| credat   | datetime    |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
| modusr   | varchar(32) |      |     |                     |       |
| moddat   | datetime    |      |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |       |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select version();
| version()                |
| 4.1.2-alpha-standard-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

  $sql = "SELECT userid FROM zpm_auth LIMIT 1";
  $res = mysql_query( $sql, $this->DBH() );
  $this->EvaluateCommand( $res, false, true, $sql );
  $colType = mysql_field_type( $res, 0 );
die( $colType );

Works in PHP5 RC3


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