ID:               29493
 User updated by:  msm at manley dot org
 Reported By:      msm at manley dot org
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Linux, FreeBSD
 PHP Version:      5.0.0
 New Comment:

The problem lies in extract()'s use of the SEPARATE_ZVAL macro in
ext/standard/array.c. That macro actually makes a full copy of a ZVAL
if the ZVAL's refcount is > 1. 

I assume that's used when doing lazy copies, normally.

The existing extract() function uses SEPARATE_ZVAL_TO_MAKE_IS_REF to
set is_ref = 1 in the ZVAL. When the refcount on the extract()ed array
is 1, no copy is made and the extracted variables are refs to the array
member. When the refcount is > 1, a copy of the array entry gets made by
SEPARATE_ZVAL and the extracted variable end up as refs to the copy.

Here is a patch that I believe fixes the problem. So far a modified
version of PHP 5.0.0 has passed all the testcases with this patch in

--- array.c     Wed Aug  4 15:54:40 2004
+++ array.c.msm Wed Aug  4 16:42:01 2004
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@
                                if (extract_refs) {
                                        zval **orig_var;

+                                       (*(entry))->is_ref = 1;

(zend_hash_find(EG(active_symbol_table), final_name.c,
final_name.len+1, (void **) &orig_var) == SUCCESS) {

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-03 22:59:58] msm at manley dot org

Realizing I'm mostly conversing with myself here:

I'm not completely certain, but I think the issue is on line 1375 of


If I follow the logic back through the twisty little maze of zend.h
macros, it would appear that when that macro is called and the refcount
on the original entry is > 1, SEPARATE_ZVAL ends up copying the entry

But that would mean the individual entries in a array/hash have the
same refcount as the array in general. Perhaps that's true? 

At this point I am in way deeper than I can figure, having never even
looked at the PHP source before today.


[2004-08-03 20:04:19] msm at manley dot org

I shortened my testcases down to the following:

rc1(); rc2(); rc3();

function rc1()
  echo "\n\n1: array copy by value\n";
  $a = array( 'foo' => 'bar');
  $b = $a;
  $b['foo'] = 'diff';
  echo "\n-----\nnow extract from a with EXTR_REFS\n";
  echo "post extract, foo = $foo\n";
  $foo = 'noo';
  echo "post reassign, foo = $foo\n";

function rc2()
  echo "\n\n2: array copy by reference\n";
  $a = array( 'foo' => 'bar');
  $b =& $a;
  echo "\n-----\nnow extract from a with EXTR_REFS\n";
  echo "post extract, foo = $foo\n";
  $foo = 'noo';
  echo "post reassign, foo = $foo\n";

function rc3()
  echo "\n\n3: array copy by reference then unset copy\n";
  $a = array( 'foo' => 'bar');
  $b =& $a;
  echo "\n-----\nnow extract from a with EXTR_REFS\n";
  echo "post extract, foo = $foo\n";
  $foo = 'noo';
  echo "post reassign, foo = $foo\n";

Testcases 1 and 3 pass - $foo is a ref to $a['foo']. Testcase 2 fails
-- $foo does not appear to be a ref to $a['foo'].


[2004-08-03 18:18:25] msm at manley dot org

Ignore testcase #2. The behavior there is correct. PHP's lazy copy
behavior, in combination with modifying the array via the ref to an
entry not triggering the copy, threw me.

So it would appear that there is only an issue with extract(array,
EXTR_REFS) when there are multiple entries in the symbol table for that
array, which would be the first and third testcases.

I've looked at ext/standard/array.c and the extract() code, but I'm not
familar enough with the code in there to figure out what's wrong.


[2004-08-02 17:38:11] msm at manley dot org

Is there an issue with extract() using EXTR_REFS when more than one
symbol points to an array variable?

EXTR_REF "extracts variables as references. This effectively means that
the values of the imported variables are still referencing the values of
the var_array parameter." (from

>From some experiments, I think that this function has issues when you
pass it an array that has been given a reference or pass in a reference
to an array itself. 

It three of the four testcases shown below, it would appear that the
extracted variable $foo is NOT actually a reference into $array['foo']
after the extract() call.

PHP does lazy copies on arrays. Does modifying an array via a reference
to one of the array's members not trigger the lazy copy? This is not the
bug (and makes sense to me), though it certainly added to the confusion
trying to figure out what was happenning here.

The testcases return the same results under PHP 4.3.4, PHP 4.3.8 and
PHP 5.0.0 on all the FreeBSD, Linux and Windows systems I have access

Reproduce code:
I describe four testcases and their output at

Sorry, the testcases are longer than 20 lines, all total. In summary:

1) Copy array by reference  -- $array_b =& $array_a -- and then
extract(array, EXTR_REFS) from each.

2) Copy array by value -- $array_b = $array_a -- and then
extract(array, EXTR_REFS) from each.

3) Copy array by reference, then modify a value in the array, then
extract(array, EXTR_REFS) from each.

4) Copy array by value, then modify a value in the array (triggering
the lazy copy), then extract(array, EXTR_REFS) from each.

Expected result:
In each testcase, given an array ('foo' => 'value') I expect to see a
variable $foo that is a reference to $array['foo'] and when I change
$foo's value, the value of $array['foo'] should change accordingly.

Actual result:
Is the first three testcases $foo appears not to be a reference to
$array_a['foo'] or $array_b['foo']. 

In the fourth testcase, extract(array, EXTR_REFS) performs as expected.


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