ID:               29575
 User updated by:  intreg at zoom dot co dot uk
-Summary:          output_buffering off can't be set in php.ini
 Reported By:      intreg at zoom dot co dot uk
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         PHP options/info functions
 Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux
 PHP Version:      4.3.8
 New Comment:

I hope the summary is updated to what I wanted it to now be which is
"output_buffering off doesn't show in phpinfo". This is only a minor
quibble, so whoever next looks at the phpinfo section of the code might
see why this is. I don't know enought C right now, but who knows, if
it's still this way in php 6 then I might take it on then.

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-12 07:00:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This sounds very much like you aren't editing the correct 
php.ini file. 
Check the phpinfo() output where it's looking for the 
php.ini file and put your edited file where it want it to 


[2004-08-09 09:35:06] intreg at zoom dot co dot uk

went back to 4.3.7 and still same result - thinking perhaps the header
messages (already sent) may not be as I first thought related to the
output_buffering setting. Won't know for sure until I go back an apache
version (2.0.50 to 2.0.49) and figure out which bit of the setup is
producing my problem [will be doing another setup/build in two weeks].

I leave this minor bug report on file as php output_buffering setting
would be easier to eliminate as a possible cause if my php.ini setting
of 'off' could be seen in phpinfo as 'off'.


[2004-08-08 21:34:06] intreg at zoom dot co dot uk

output_buffering = Off

tried both of these but phpinfo still seems to show 'no value' for this

If you want to see if anyone else has managed to successfully switch it
off, then a quick browse through google using a search string as

output_buffering 4.3.8 off

didn't produce any examples I could find [lots of 'no value' and 4096
and 0 but seemingly no 'off']. Just off to try making apache override
the php setting, otherwise it's back to 4.3.7 [the web developer does
his own flushing and I'm not about to tell him that he can no longer do



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