ID:               29646
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      shelby at coolpage dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Mail related
 Operating System: FreeBSD
-PHP Version:      Irrelevant
+PHP Version:      4.3.4
 New Comment:

You're using a very old PHP version (4.3.4), I am very sure it was
fixed since. So try that snapshot.

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-17 00:58:42] shelby at coolpage dot com

Also telling us to try the latest snapshot is useless unless you tell
us what is the correct use of the mail() function on Qmail.

Please see my original post and please answer the question as to what
is the correct documented use.

In the meantime, I have provided a documented use in my comments on
this bug which works and which I am suggesting that others link to, as
a replacement for the document for PHP mail().  Hopefully that will
generate enough pressure to finally fix this bug and also help people
work around it in meantime!

Correction: in previous post for work around, I said "if another header
follows".  I believe I insert the "\r\n" and "\n", even after the last
header input to mail().


[2004-08-17 00:52:38] shelby at coolpage dot com

Thanks, but has the latest snapshot been specifically edited to fix
this specific problem?

Because this problem as been around for years, and so only a specific
fix is worth my time.

Also I have no way to test the latest snapshot until my host

I alerted to this problem.


[2004-08-17 00:49:37] shelby at coolpage dot com

I verified that the work around this bug for my configuration (as
previously mentioned) is to use "\r\n" only after the "From:",
"Reply-To:", "Cc:", and "Bcc:" headers, if there is another header
which follows, and to use only "\n" after other extra headers, if
another header follows.

Note in my use, I only tried placing the "From:", "Reply-To:", "Cc:",
and "Bcc:" headers first, and any extra headers (such as "Date:",
"Mime-Versions:", etc) after.


[2004-08-17 00:40:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2004-08-13 11:12:50] shelby at coolpage dot com

Note I made two typos:

Content-Type: text/plainn\r\r\n

Should be:

Content-Type: text/plain\r\r\n


There seems to be no one answer of solution?

Should be:

There seems to be no one answer or solution?

Also I would like to point out that either mail() or Qmail must be
handling the CRLR after the From: dna Reply-To: headers correctly.  It
is strange that only some headers are affected.  That could explain why
others have not reproduced the bug reports of yore ("yore" is like 2002
apparently! :)

Now it seems I remember having this same problem (had to change my "\n"
to "\r\n" between headers input to mail()) when I migrated from
to (from Qmail to SendMail) and now revisiting this again
when migrating back.

So what is correct work around?  Do I change all "\r\n" back to "\n"
when using Qmail, or just the headers it seems to affect?

What is going to work in current and future CVS of PHP?

Please give some definitive guidance!

Having mail break for 1000 AccuSpam users (spam filter) is not pretty!

Shelby Moore


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