ID:               26737
 Comment by:       mastabog at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      rob dot wills at gmail dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Zend Engine 2 problem
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5.0.0
 New Comment:

Oh thank you, thank you! I eventually wrote a patch for this bug seeing
everyone avoided it. 10x again :)

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-21 16:15:07] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.


[2004-08-03 02:23:32] mastabog at hotmail dot com

I really *really* don't understand why this bug (it is a bug ..
everyone sees it that way) doesn't get fixed. It's quite important ...

Padding the variables with nulls and classname or * is not my
suggestion or hack, it's what I've seen it does looking in the session
file. Currently ther eis no other way to selectively save variables
between sessions.

Right now i'm using the Reflection API to autodetect property types and
then construct the array for __sleep(). Hope I won't be force to develop
too many of those ...

For {albin at kth dot se}: the point of specifying which variables to
save is quite easy to explain .. sometimes you only want to save a few
out of a bunch of properties. Its easier to state those which you want
to save than those which you don't. Of course, sometimes its the othr
way around and you wish you had something to specify those you don't
want. Here's where the Reflection API can help (see the Zend2 Engine
changes, bottom:


[2004-07-28 15:21:01] albin at kth dot se

What is even the point of __sleep being supposed to return an array of
the properties that should be serialized? I think it would be much
easier just to manually unset those variables that you DON'T want to
serialize, and letting PHP serialize everything else. 
I thought __sleep was supposed just to be a way of closing
database-connections etc, but due to the current implementation that
seems almost impossible.


[2004-07-18 13:44:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

version info change


[2004-07-15 12:44:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The workaround still works too.


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