ID:               29144
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      php at soapi dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: RedHat Enterprise Linux 3.0
 PHP Version:      5.0.0
 New Comment:

Does it work with Apache1 for you?

Previous Comments:

[2004-09-06 03:53:47] jesse at eonstreet dot com

I have the same problem. Everything is fine except when I change the
http.conf from libphp4 to libphp5.  I too believe this is a bug and has
something to do with a the way the is tell apache2 how to
handle the files.

I tried compiling "--with-apxs2" only but that did not work.
Neither "--with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-apxs2filter=/usr/sbin/apxs"


[2004-07-14 15:05:29] php at soapi dot com

I fail to see how this is not a bug. I subscribe to all the relevant
PHP newsgroups, and there has been nothing there to help. (The fact
that the newsgroups suffer from so much spam probably has a lot to do
with it.)

I believe this is a bug for the simple reason that PHP4 works perfectly
with the same settings, and PHP5 is not handling php scripts. That to me
says some bug in how PHP5 is telling Apache what it can handle.

If there is anything that should be done in addition to the standard
steps of installation, that should be clearly marked out in the
documentation. However, there is nothing to suggest that anything else
is needed.

Finally, please note that I *have* used the support system, and the
mailing list/newsgroups, and spent many hours searching and testing
before posting this report. I still believe this is a bug.


[2004-07-14 14:53:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

It\'s still not a bug, please ask for support on the mailinglist as it
works fine for hundreds of others.


[2004-07-14 14:41:24] php at soapi dot com

First of all, my apologies for adding a new bug, but bug 26492 has been
marked as bogus, and although I have added a comment, I cannot reopen
it. Therefore as I believe this is indeed a PHP problem, I have created
a new entry.

After building PHP5.0.0 final today, I am experiencing the exact same
problem I have had with RC1, RC2, and RC3. I am currently running
Apache 2.0.50, but I have tried with 2.0.48 and 2.0.49 as well. (I
spent two full days a couple of weeks ago recompiling many different
configurations, with no success.)

PHP compiles and installs fine, and Apache loads with no problems.
There are no errors listed in the error log (which is set to flag
everything) and I don't get any problems other than this one, which is
that PHP files are not being processed.

I have PHP4.3.8 running right now, and every version of PHP4 has
compiled, installed, and run with no problems. I am using an
essentially identical configuration line for PHP5, and all I do to swap
between the two is change the module that is loaded.

Even if I use a very basic Apache and PHP setup, this problem occurs. I
am using a standard PHP5 ini file, with only minor changes to point it
at the right directories.

So. Whenever I use PHP5, all PHP files are offered for download rather
than being processed by PHP5. I have tried things like AddHandler
php5-script and all sorts, with no success. As far as I am aware, I
should not have to do anything substantially different to set up PHP5
than I do for PHP4.

Apache info shows that mod_php5.c is loaded successfully, so why
doesn't it handle the files? I'm going mad with this.

The only thing that is different from a standard installation is that I
install PHP4 and PHP5 into their own locations, in order to swap between
them. For instance I use 'export EXTENSION_DIR=/usr/lib/php5' and then
in the configure line I use '--program-suffix=5
--with-config-file-path=/etc/php5' with the other settings. This is
simply to keep the two apart.

It would appear that for some reason PHP5 is not properly registering
with Apache2 that it can handle the application/x-httpd-php MIME-type,
but I have no idea why, because I have 'AddType application/x-httpd-php
php' in my httpd.conf file of course.

How can I track down the problem? I'm not new to this - I have been a
server admin for years (I run and I use PHP every day.
I have compiled PHP and Apache countless times, and even written
tutorials on the subject. So you can see why this is so frustrating.


Dan Williams


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