ID:               26771
 Comment by:       OvdSpek at LIACS dot NL
 Reported By:      info at tphnet dot com
 Status:           Verified
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: * (ZTS only!)
 PHP Version:      4CVS, 5CVS (2004-02-25)
 New Comment:

A simple testcase:
    function f() 


This will result in: [notice] Parent: child process exited with status
128 -- Restarting.
I know it's not so valid code, but I do assume this isn't supposed to
restart the entire webserver.
I'd also expect an error message telling me the stack overflowed.

Previous Comments:

[2004-09-24 23:47:40] OvdSpek at LIACS dot NL

I'm encountering the same error message with a certain script:
[Fri Sep 24 23:41:51 2004] [notice] Parent: child process exited with
status 128 -- Restarting.

Windows XP SP1
Apache/2.0.50 (Win32) 


[2004-08-13 05:23:05] loye dot young at iycc dot net

If you have the PEAR Date package installed, this might be a solution:

There is a command in a Pear function that tries to write information
to the server. Some Windows installations and Unix servers with strict
Safe Mode options enabled do not allow this. You can fix this yourself

Open the file ./pear/Date/TimeZone.php in a text editor. Go to line
247. You should be in a function named 'inDaylightTime()'. Add this
line: return date("I"); at the very top of the function. It should now
look like this: 
    function inDaylightTime($date)
        return date("I");
        $env_tz = "";
            $env_tz = getenv("TZ");
        $ltime = localtime($date->getTime(), true);
        return $ltime['tm_isdst'];

This should stop the error. It did for me. Try it and let us know how
it worked for you.


[2004-08-13 00:54:28] loye dot young at iycc dot net

I'm having the same error message in my apache log file, with similar
configuration. However, my php.ini settings allow unlimited persistent
connections, and my configuration for mysql does not include a limit on
the number of persistent connections. 

My configuration:
apache 2.0.49
php 4.3.8
mysql 4.0.18
WinXP SP1 with latest WinUpdates

The application that I'm invoking is phpWebSite 0.9.3-3.

Loye Young


[2004-07-23 15:46:53] super_freax at hotmail dot com

It says in the PHP-manual for child operations that : 

This means that for every child that opened a persistent connection
will have its own open persistent connection to the server. For
example, if you had 20 different child processes that ran a script that
made a persistent connection to your SQL server, you'd have 20 different
connections to the SQL server, one from each child. 

Note, however, that this can have some drawbacks if you are using a
database with connection limits that are exceeded by persistent child
connections. If your database has a limit of 16 simultaneous
connections, and in the course of a busy server session, 17 child
threads attempt to connect, one will not be able to. If there are bugs
in your scripts which do not allow the connections to shut down (such
as infinite loops), the database with only 16 connections may be
rapidly swamped


So it might be the database that has no more connections left ? 

My config is : 

WinXPProSP1 (NTFS Formatted)
Apache version 2.0.49 
MySQL 4.0.18 with MyODBC 3.51 and winMYSQLadmin 1.4
PHP 4.3.6 with Pear 1.3.1 ,Smarty 2.5.0 ,Zend Opt. 2.5.0 , Dbg 2.16.3,
TCL 8.4.5 with TK 8.4 and Vtcl 1.6.0


[2004-06-29 23:51:40] ryders at gmail dot com

I have the same problem here (same error)

[notice] Parent: Created child process 2104
[notice] Child 2104: Child process is running
[notice] Child 2104: Acquired the start mutex.
[notice] Child 2104: Starting 250 worker threads.
[notice] Parent: child process exited with status 128 -- Restarting.

But it has nothing to do with the register_tick_funtions here. I have
almost the same config as some of you (XP/SP1, Apache2.0.49, PHP 4.3.7,
mysql 4.0.18, php as a module - php4appache2.dll). I've also try it on
apache 1.3.31 (Win+Unix) and php 4.3.3 (W+nix as well)... 

I'm so lost... if anyone ever find something let me know PLEASE!! ; )

Good luck everyone!



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