ID:               30348
 Comment by:       mcnuke at gmx dot net
 Reported By:      phpsupport at shopandlearn dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         GD related
 Operating System: Windows XP with SP2
 PHP Version:      5.0.2
 New Comment:

Same problem here on linux, but filenames are different.

directory /tmp:
-rw-------   1 www-data nogroup  7102 2004-10-13 19:46 Cx9IW8
-rw-------   1 www-data nogroup  7102 2004-10-13 19:46 eTyrwb
-rw-------   1 www-data nogroup  7679 2004-10-13 16:50 gGdslp

Debian 3.1 (kernel 2.6.7)
GD 2.0.28
PHP 5.0.2
Apache 2.0.51

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-07 03:28:46] phpsupport at shopandlearn dot net

After using the script included with this report, I find temp files in
my root directory with names in hexidecimal numbers. (examples: 137.tmp
and 13A.tmp) I renamed one file from 137.tmp to 137.gif and it displayed
as the same image that the script created.

I found that if I remeove the line containing imagegif() from the
script, I do not get the unwanted temp files.

I also found that if I output as imagegif() or imagejpeg(), I don't get
the unwanted temp files.

This leads me to believe that the problem is in the imagegif()

My Computer is:
Windows XP with Service Pack 2
MB: Intel D850GB
Processor: Intel P4 1.6GHZ
RAM: 512 MB

Apache 2.0.52
PHP 5.0.2 with php_gd2.dll ( & php_mysql.dll

Reproduce code:
# This function creates an image of a number
# Tested using PHP 5.0.2 and the included GD2 dll
header ("Content-type: image/gif"); 
$font = 3;
$number = $_REQUEST['no'];
$width = (strlen($number) * 8)+1; # Make counter only as wide as input
$im = @imagecreate($width, 16)              # ($width, $height)
     or die("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream");
$background_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); # ($image, $r,
$g, $b)
$line_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 200, 200, 200); # ($image, $r,
$g, $b)
for ($x=8;$x<($width-5);$x+=7){ # draw vertical lines between numbers
(for counter reel effect)
  imageline($im, $x, 0, $x, 20, $line_color);
imagestring($im, $font, 2, 1,  $number, $text_color);        # ($image,
$font, $x, $y, $color)

Expected result:
I expect it to execute and show an image in the browser. I also expect
the script to delete any tempory files it creates.

Actual result:
The script does what is expected with the exception of leaving the
unwanted temp files.


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