ID:               17826
 Comment by:       iris dot cdm at seznam dot cz
 Reported By:      jan at penninkhof dot com
 Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Win32
 PHP Version:      4.2.1
 Assigned To:      edink
 New Comment:

The same experience on:

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-19 04:05:20] cp444 at nyu dot edu

I'm running on Windows XP and dont have the winnt directory.  I
followed all the directions as posted previously but am still running
into the command line: the specified module cannot be found.

I downloaded php5-win32-latest and am working on mysql-4.0.20d-win.
Please advise.


[2002-12-29 11:50:16] kemalcelayir at hotmail dot com

Apache 2.0.43 and PHP Version 4.3.1-dev work together. Most problems
are because of PHP version.

LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .phtml

That's all.


[2002-12-22 11:16:04] bodewes_NO_SPAM_ at fmf dot nl


I got i fixed!

I downloaded the latest from the website (rc4) from:

Just unzipped it and named it c:/php/

edited the http.conf in the way mentioned above
and edited the php.ini in the windows folder

And that only after 3 hours :P


[2002-12-13 07:46:57] vince at alkinos dot com


corrected thanks to Edin:

# There is link on the front page:
# Edin



[2002-12-13 05:18:29] vince at alkinos dot com


Despite having done exactly what is explained in "[23 Oct 8:52pm]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in this bug list, I still have "cannot load
php4apache2.dll into server - The specified procedure cannot be found".

Versions of apache and php are the same. The only thing is that I'm
using Windows XP Pro SP1 with all windows updates... Download of
 was made today (buggy version?)
What's wrong???
Do I have to put php4ts.dll into the register datas???
DO I miss any specific XP Pro procedure?
I spent 3 hours on this and it still doesn't work.
Urgent help needed plz.
Thanks in advance.


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