ID:               30530
 Comment by:       Jason at amp-design dot net
 Reported By:      jason at amp-design dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         DOM XML related
 Operating System: MacOS X / Win 2003 / CentOS
 PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

Just out of interest, would this be to do with the fact there is no XML
Constant related to DOMCharacterData nodes, where as other nodes do
(e.g. DOMElement will have a node type of XML_ELEMENT_NODE).

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-22 12:19:37] jason at amp-design dot net

In my example code class RawStuff extends DOMCharacterData and creates
a fetch error, which I can't see why it's happening (nothing in the PHP
manual or DOM specs seems to say anything as far as I can see).

If I change the code to 

class RawStuff extends DOMText

then the code doesn't error, however I don't want it to escape the <
and > characters, which is why I want to extend from DOMCharacterData
as this shouldn't escape < and > (coz it doesn't in DOMComment and that
extends DOMCharacterData).

As far as I can see this seems to be a bug though, there maybe some
good reason why this doesn't work, however there seems to be no
mentioning of it in both the DOM Spec of PHP manual.

Reproduce code:

header('Content-type: text/plain');

class RawStuff extends DOMCharacterData {
        public $poop;

class NiceElement extends DOMElement {

$o = new DOMDocument();

// Expecting <scum /> to be escaped here with &gt; and &lt;
$p = new NiceElement('html', ' ppp<scum /> pp', '12121212'); 

// Not expecting <% and %> to be escaped as DOMComment extends the
DOMCharacterData class
// and this allows things like <!-- <scum /> --> without turning < and
> into entites
// However we can't use DOMCharacterData directly without a fetch error
for some reason
$cack = &new RawStuff('blah some node which can also hold raw <% asp
data %>');   

$cack2 = $o->createTextNode('fgfgf');
echo $o->saveXML();


Expected result:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<html xmlns="12121212"> ppp&lt;scum /&gt; ppblah some node which can
also hold raw <% asp data %>fgfgf</html>

Actual result:
<br />
<b>Warning</b>:  Couldn't fetch RawStuff in
<b>/data/web/test_stuff/DOM_test.php</b> on line <b>22</b><br />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<html xmlns="12121212"> ppp&lt;scum /&gt; ppfgfgf</html>


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