ID:               30228
 Comment by:       subarea at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      zizka at seznam dot cz
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         *Configuration Issues
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

what the hell does "Won't happen, don't ask why" mean. please explain
that to me. this answer isn't really satisfying me!

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-25 22:49:05] subarea at hotmail dot com

what the hell does "Won't happen, don't ask why" mean. please explain
that to me. this answer isn't really satisfying me!


[2004-10-25 22:49:03] subarea at hotmail dot com

what the hell does "Won't happen, don't ask why" mean. please explain
that to me. this answer isn't really satisfying me!


[2004-10-01 21:27:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Won't happen, don't ask why. (you can try reading the mailing list


[2004-09-25 01:38:03] zizka at seznam dot cz

I need to have PHP4 and PHP5 running together on a single Apache
virtual server as SAPI modules. Don't ask why.

With every new PHP's main version (4,5) it becomes harder to have the
new version running with the old one.

I use .php3, .php4, and .php5 exts; .php is for my currently favorite
version. Since the PHP3 had "application/x-httpd-php3" as the Action
handler, setting application/x-httpd-php for PHP4 was not a problem.
But as PHP5 uses the same, it's quite difficult.

I changed this string in the php5apache.dll file and configured Apache

    # PHP 4
    LoadModule php4_module "c:/program
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
    # PHP 5
    LoadModule php5_module "c:/program files/php5/php5apache.dll"
    AddType application/x-httpd-ph5 .php5
    SetEnv PHPRC "c:/php.ini"

This works, but the problem is with php.ini. PHP seems not to be
willing to load it from anywhere else than WINNT directory. I tried
every way documented, but only one works, and only for PHP5:

* PHPIniDir directive (Apache 2 module only)  --  I need Apache 1.3
* HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PHP\IniFilePath --  Works for PHP5 only
* Apache's SetEnv PHPRC "c:/"                 --  Doesn't work at all,
I tried \ and \\ too
* The PHPRC environment variable              --  Doesn't work at all
* PHP's dir (for CLI) or server's dir (SAPI)  -- I need to set
different for 4 and 5
* Windows directory (C:\windows or C:\winnt)  -- I need to set
different for 4 and 5

There's also one bug - the first request to PHP version, other than the
server's first PHP request used, keeps hanging until the server
shutdown. Further are ok.

Reproduce code:
The Apache's conf is above.

Expected result:
I would like this to be done:

First, update the documentation to reflect the real state of things; I
mean the php.ini location process.

Second, don't unify the important strings like Apache Action name
(application/x-httpd-php) and env vars (like PHPRC).
Instead, use different for every main version number
(application/x-httpd-php5, PHP5_RC).

Third, do it generally more possible to have concurent versions running
on the same virtual server.


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