ID:               30275
 Comment by:       joern_h at gmx dot net
 Reported By:      michiel at trendserver dot nl
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         XML related
 Operating System: Debian
 PHP Version:      5.0.2
 New Comment:

I modified the example to call the xml handlers, PHP 5.0.2 on Windows
2000 calls the external_entity_ref_handler for the declaration of the
entity, this does not happen with 4.3.8

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-12 20:09:51] apocalypsys dot NOSP at M dot ukr dot net

 OS: Windows XP SP1
 PHP: 4.3.7, 4.3.2
 Error: External entity reference works perfect, but internal reference
- don't. I simply get a space instead of text of my entity.

 OS: Windows XP SP1
 PHP: 5.0.2
 Error: "Undeclared entity error".


[2004-09-29 14:54:42] michiel at trendserver dot nl

Also occurs using


[2004-09-29 14:41:17] michiel at trendserver dot nl

The XML extension in PHP5(.02) seems to fail on the use entities that
are declared in the same XML file.

Reproduce code:
$xml = <<<HERE
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE test [
<!ENTITY uuml "&#252;">

$parser = xml_parser_create();
if (!xml_parse($parser, $xml))
    echo xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)) . "\n";

Expected result:
No errors.

Actual result:
Undeclared entity error.


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