ID:               30784
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      max at warped dot org
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Filesystem function related
 Operating System: Linux - Redhat ES3
 PHP Version:      4.3.9
 New Comment:

You have to use PHP-CGI if you want your scripts to work under suexec.

Previous Comments:

[2004-11-14 20:13:04] max at warped dot org

is_writable() only returns one for files that are writable by the
apache user, not by the current UID.

Apache is running as user/group nobody, but is setup with virtual

Each virtual host uses its own user/group.  The current UID as returned
by getmyuid() verifies that my PHP scripts are running as "me" and not
as "nobody".  

test_file is permission 0644.

If I chmod test_file to user "me" is_writable() returns nothing.

If I chmod test_file to user "nobody" is_writable() returns 1.

PHP needs to check the current uid an use that to verify if something
is writable, or it needs to defer to the operating system.  

I imagine this is mod_php specific.

Reproduce code:
httpd.conf :

User nobody
Group nobody

<VirtualHost ...>
  User me
  Group me

$ touch test_file
$ chmod 0644 test_file
$ chown nobody test_file

<? print getmyuid() ?>
<? print is_writable('test_file') ?>

$ chown me test_file

<? print getmyuid() ?>
<? print is_writable('test_file') ?>

Expected result:
I expect is_writable() to return 1 if PHP fully has permission to write
the file. 

As a result, I have to chmod sensitive data to 0666 on a shared server,
which is bad.


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