ID:               29476
 Comment by:       loranger at free dot fr
 Reported By:      hugo_pl at users dot sourceforge dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         SQLite related
 Operating System: GNU/Linux, WindowsXP
 PHP Version:      5.0.0
 New Comment:

I've got the same annoying lock when I call this function in a loop (to
display my db schema). I'm using PHP 5.0.2 + SQLite 2.8.14 + Apache 2 on
Winxp sp2

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-26 13:13:14] dennis at inmarket dot lviv dot ua

Yes, I have seen it myself, but didn't even think it was related to the
fetch_column_types. Thanks for the hint! Damn it really got on my
nerves! But in my case it locks only the table I have run the function


[2004-09-07 17:03:47] hugo_pl at users dot sourceforge dot net

I'm reopening this bug.


[2004-09-07 17:02:43] hugo_pl at users dot sourceforge dot net

I'm reopening this bug.


[2004-09-06 15:13:35] danhen at web dot de

I was able to reproduce the "database is locked"-message by using the
SQLite-OO-Interface as written (the code with try). Calling the
"normal" function sqlite_fetch_column_types() does not have this
message as result. Also the database isn't locked. Tested on W2k with
PHP 5.0.1 and Apache/1.3.29. Maybe that helps finding the reason for
that behavior.


[2004-08-25 06:56:48] hugo_pl at users dot sourceforge dot net

I think that this is a PHP bug, I made a better exemple to 
show this bug: 
try { 
        $db = new SQLiteDatabase('./test.db'); 
        // table exists? 
        $exists = $db->singleQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM 
sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name=\'bugtest\''); 
        if (!$exists) 
                $db->query('CREATE TABLE bugtest (a, b, c, 
        // Without this line all runs Ok. 
        $db->query('INSERT INTO bugtest VALUES (1, 2, 3, 
        echo 'Res: <br>'; 
        print_r( $db->arrayQuery('SELECT * FROM bugtest', 
catch (Exception $e) 
        echo 'Exception: ', $e->getMessage(); 
The first time you run this script all appear to be Ok... 
the insert query is executed, etc... but the second time 
is displayed a message:  
Warning:  SQLiteDatabase::query() [function.query]: 
database is locked in /home/hugo/public_html/phpbug.php on 
line 16 
Nothing is wrong with the script, if this message appear 
something is wrong with PHP.... on windows the same bug 
occur, then it is not a problem from SQLite or Apache 
compiled by me under linux.


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