ID:               30958
 Comment by:       rampant at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      schaa101 at tech dot nhl dot nl
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Class/Object related
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro SP2
 PHP Version:      5.0.2
 New Comment:

If error_reporting(E_ALL) is set, you will see that instead of setting
$this in a singleton, $this is set in the Main class. Here is the

Notice: Undefined property: Main::$instance in
C:\eclipse\workspace\tmote\tmp_singles.php on line 12

Where line 12 is:
if( $this->instance == null )

Replacing $this->instance with self::$instance and 
private $instance = null;
private static $instance = null;

Will make the code behave as expected.

Previous Comments:

[2004-12-02 12:16:30] schaa101 at tech dot nhl dot nl


  class Singleton1
    private $instance = null;
    private function __Construct()
    { }
    public function & GetInstance()
      if( $this->instance == null )
        $this->instance = new Singleton1();
      return $this->instance;
    public function Write( $message )
      print "Singleton1 - " . $message;


  class Singleton2
    private $instance = null;
    private function __Construct()
    { }
    public function & GetInstance()
      if( $this->instance == null )
        $this->instance = new Singleton2();

      return $this->instance;
    public function Write( $message )
      print "Singleton2 - " . $message;

  class Main
    public function __Construct()
      Singleton1::GetInstance()->Write( "Singleton1" );
      echo "<br/>";
      Singleton2::GetInstance()->Write( "Singleton2" );

  new Main();


[2004-12-02 11:10:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please post the code here.


[2004-12-02 11:09:30] schaa101 at tech dot nhl dot nl

When you use 2 singletons, the second singeleton also returns the
instance of the first.
If you change the name of the variables, that store the instance of the
singleton class, inside the singletons and make them both unique, the
problem is solved though.

Reproduce code:

or try

Expected result:
Singleton1 - Singleton1
Singleton2 - Singleton2

Actual result:
Singleton1 - Singleton1
Singleton1 - Singleton2


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