ID:               30074
 Comment by:       mikael at SPAMMENOTchl dot chalmers dot se
 Reported By:      owen dot beresford at murphx dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: linux
 PHP Version:      5.0.1
 New Comment:

I belive this bug was introduced in PHP 4.3.10, it would seem that when
doing EXTR_REFS $a in the example below isn't 
SEPARATE_ZVAL_TO_MAKE_IS_REF or something when being extracted from the

Reproduce code:
$a = 1; $b = 1;
$arr = array('acopy' => $a, 'bref' => &$b);

extract($arr, EXTR_REFS);


debug_zval_dump($a, $b, $arr, $acopy, $bref);

Expected result (As seen on PHP < 4.3.10):
$a: long(1) refcount(2)
$b: long(2) refcount(1)
$arr: array(2) refcount(2){
  &long(2) refcount(2)
  &long(2) refcount(3)
$acopy: long(2) refcount(1)
$bref: long(2) refcount(1)

Actual result:
$a: long(2) refcount(1)
$b: long(2) refcount(1)
$arr: array(2) refcount(2){
  &long(2) refcount(3)
  &long(2) refcount(3)
$acopy: long(2) refcount(1)
$bref: long(2) refcount(1)

Previous Comments:

[2004-11-28 16:34:08] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reduced reproduce code looks like this:
$result = extract(array('a'=>1, 'b'=>$foo), EXTR_REFS); 
//extract(array('a'=>1, 'b'=>$foo), EXTR_REFS); // they are not the


[2004-09-14 11:10:56] owen dot beresford at murphx dot com

I have noticed my code output has the wrong indexes.
the expected out put should read index 0 and index 1 not index 'a',
index 'b'

bug still present


[2004-09-13 15:47:40] owen dot beresford at murphx dot com

PHP 5.0.1 (cli) (built: Aug 16 2004 23:07:06),
linux, rh7.3, kernel2.4, libc-2.2.5
The extract function seems incomplete/ broken.

I have a code base which uses arguments arrays, like perl.
Inorder to alter varaibles inside the parameter array in a convient
fashion, I extract the variables at the top of the methods.  

Some of the boundary cases don't perform correctly.   I have NOT
experienced this under other releases of php, so assume the problem is
induced by the new zend engine.

I am assuming that php 5.0.1 includes prevous fixes for errors reported
against php 4.3.8 and php 5.0.0 (there are closed cases with similar

This is a small simple case, there are other failures, but this would
exceed the twenty line limit.  will post an URL with full senario
The described output ommited some of the english statements for
I have not tested this under other operating systems, but this is not a
platform dependant function (well it shouldn't be), and I don't have any
to hand.

in the interests of thoroughness:
Configure Command =>  './configure' '--prefix=/usr'
'--with-config-file-path=/etc' '--enable-cli' '--disable-cgi'
'--without-pear' '--enable-force-cgi-redirect'
'--with-exec-dir=/usr/bin' '--with-mysql' '--with-curl=/usr/local/lib'
'--with-zlib' '--enable-sockets' '--with-openssl' '--enable-pcntl'
'--enable-libxml' '--enable-shared'

Reproduce code:
function x($args) {
        $count  =extract($args, EXTR_REFS);
        echo("inside function x()\n$count items\n");
        echo("altered count to $count\n");
        var_dump(array($a, $b));

echo("before function x() (second is a null)\n");
$a=array('a'=>1, 'b'=>NULL);

echo("before function x() (second is undefined variable)\n");
$d=array('a'=>1, 'b'=>NULL);
$e=array('a'=>1, 'b'=>$d['d']);

Expected result:
array(2) {

array(2) {

Actual result:
array(2) {

array(2) {


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