ID:               31336
 User updated by:  thx1011 at yahoo dot com
 Reported By:      thx1011 at yahoo dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Java related
 Operating System: Win XP Pro SP1
 PHP Version:      5.0.3
 New Comment:

It's simpler to use Tomcat and Apache Axis to build web services and
then use PHP soap API to call the Java interface.

Much, much cleaner.

Previous Comments:

[2004-12-29 18:09:26] thx1011 at yahoo dot com

Also I've already tried the latest snapshot of PHP with the same

My PHP.ini entries:



[2004-12-29 18:01:58] thx1011 at yahoo dot com

Configured Apache 2.0.51+PHP 5.0.3+JVM 1.4.2-b28 on Win XP pro sp1
(development machine)
Try to run simple sample.
Always have a crash with access violation on php.exe (running from
command line) or running from Apache.

Already double checked all configuration. JVM seams to load fine (using
filemon from sysinternals).

Already used jre from SDK with same results and using the client and
server jvm.dll

>From Apache already tried to run as a SAPI and CGI module. 
But running PHP in standalone mode gives the error, so it's not apache

Reproduce code:
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">


      <title>Java test</title>
      <meta http-equiv="generator" content="PHP Designer 2005" />

   <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
vlink="#800080" alink="#FF0000">


 $system = new Java("java.lang.System");

 echo "Java version: " . $system->getProperty('java.version') .




Expected result:
A page with "JAva version: 1.4.2-b28"

Actual result:
Nothing. Just the first HTML lines, before instatianing the Java


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