ID:               31391
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      ceo at l-i-e dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      Irrelevant
 New Comment:

A patch was submitted and not accepted.
You can use the apache module mod_status to see apache uptime.

Previous Comments:

[2005-01-06 00:39:33] ceo at l-i-e dot com

Perhaps it should be called "PHP up-time"

Since that is what it truly is measuring/recording.


[2005-01-06 00:37:18] ceo at l-i-e dot com

Certainly support for more SAPIs would be a Good Thing.

There is probably other information output by phpinfo() that only works
on one/some SAPIs...  But perhaps that's confined to the Module
sub-sections that only support some SAPIs.

My primary goal is to stop people from asking why their change to
php.ini "didn't work"

Many/Most of them check using phpinfo(), and if they had it right in
front of them that their SAPI has been running for 2 years, they'd
*know* they didn't re-start it...

Actually, how about just this, the exact same on all SAPIs:

Date/time stamp the load-time of php.ini information when php.ini is

This achieves the desired goal on all SAPIs/OSes and should be, what?,
a line of code to record the date/time in a variable somewhere, and
another line of code to print it out later?

Perhaps even make it a sort of 'fake' entry in the ini_get (read only)
functions so it can be checked programmatically.

So ini_get('php.ini load_time') would return the date/time php.ini got

Just thinking aloud here...
Sorry if this should have run by php-dev first.
Seemed so simple when I first posted. :-)


[2005-01-05 06:35:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not see any harm in this, save that it would be limiting a feature
to a specific server by design. Perhaps if it was implemented on *all*
SAPIs that it is in context on, not just Apache?

The bigger question, I suppose, is "is this the place of phpinfo()"?

As I understand it, phpinfo() is used to check configuration, but the
manual states:

"Outputs a large amount of information about the current state of

Perhaps server uptime *is* 'the current state of PHP'? Is this
information readily obtainable through other means? Would this be
better implemented as 'apache_get_uptime()'?

Just points for discussion, I am not going to take any action on it.


[2005-01-03 18:26:51] ceo at l-i-e dot com

It would be Really Nifty (tm) if phpinfo would output how long Apache
has been running.

So when you think you re-started Apache, but it silently failed because
of a dumb /etc script, you know why that change to httpd.conf or php.ini
didn't work.

Or if you're a newbie and you are staring at that phpinfo() output,
you'll realize more quickly that the world is not what you think it is,
because Apache was supposed to have been re-started.


I just think it would help reduce the number of confused users,
particularly the less experienced ones.

Hey, server up-time would also be Good Thing (tm), while you're at it.


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