ID:               31558
 User updated by:  jdw at nearlyfreespeech dot net
 Reported By:      jdw at nearlyfreespeech dot net
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: FreeBSD
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2005-01-21
 New Comment:

I also looked at the source code.  Without a detailed understanding of
zend_hash_*, it isn't clear that all the per_dir_info malloc() cases in
sapi/apache/mod_php4.c (particularly php_value_handler_ex() ) are being
properly freed by php_destroy_per_dir_info().  That's just a WAG, but
it might be something to look into as a possible cause.

Previous Comments:

[2005-01-22 06:48:32] jdw at nearlyfreespeech dot net

This test has been completed.  I believe this graph of the results
pretty much speaks for itself:

- With PHP enabled, "graceful" leak averages 903,000 bytes
- With PHP disabled, "graceful" leak averages 8,900 bytes
- "No PHP" test memory usage *converges* (leaks are front-loaded and
poorly represented by the linear fit -- hard to see because of the
scale of the graph)
- "PHP" test memory usage *diverges* (increases linearly until process
limits intervene)

- Apache 1.3.33
- PHP version php4-STABLE-200501210130
- same Apache binary, same server, same conditions
- same conf file (with "LoadModule php4_module" "php_admin_value" and
"php_value" lines removed for the "No HP" test)
- 200 consecutive "graceful" restarts of Apache process
- considering only "master" process
- no requests issued during test


[2005-01-21 01:04:16] jdw at nearlyfreespeech dot net

Keep in mind that this is happen in the "master" Apache process, a
context in which no PHP scripts are ever executed.  In fact, very
little happens other than parsing config files.  That should severely
constrain the influence of libraries & extensions.

Apache obviously won't parse its configs with PHP disabled, and our
customers will (justifiably) riot if we turn it off. 
There are quite a large number of PHP-specific conf lines in a
proportional number of files (the reason I suspect our setup is finding
this earlier than the general population), so I'm not sure how feasible
your suggestion is.  

But I'm happy to see if I can rig something up on a test server to
explore it.  More to follow.

It would be more direct if there were a means to instrument the amount
of memory allocated at start vs. the amount freed at restart.

It would also be handy if there's someone around who can point me in
the right direction as to where in the PHP Apache SAPI code to find the
relevant setup/cleanup code.

Also, I now have a second backtrace, but I am hestitant to post it here
because it's even larger than the first one.  It's similar: died on a
"php_admin_value open_basedir" instead of "php_admin_value


[2005-01-21 00:36:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Disable PHP from Apache and see if the problem persists. It is possible
that one the libraries used by PHP is leaking etc... Right now all we
know is that your PHP is failing to allocate memory and you are
claiming that PHP leaks. Well, that does not say a whole lot.


[2005-01-20 23:41:47] jdw at nearlyfreespeech dot net

As previously indicated, the system limits are not in play.  Or rather,
if they are, they shouldn't be.  I've said that a couple of times now in
attempt to avoid a quick "you're out of memory" reaction. 
Unfortunately, that strategy does not appear to be a winner.

The per-process allocation limits are currently set to 512M.  
That is a very savvy observation that the process size grows to 512M
and then allocations fail.  I checked out the size of the core dump
file, and it confirms your theory.  Whatever random PHP script, large
or small, is running at that point gets hosed (obviously).  Good

But it is a little hasty to jump from that to "bogus."

The "steady state" size of Apache processes on this system should be
about 30M.  Where did the other 480M come from?

Further research today has shown that Apache leaks about 1mb of RAM on
every "graceful" (SIGUSR1) restart.  If it's something else leaking,
fine, but so far the stack trace says it's PHP.

Perhaps instead of rushing to "bogus," you could suggest some ways I
could prove or disprove the theory that PHP leaks memory when Apache is

That would be very helpful, and I would very much appreciate help from
any corner with this problem.

(State changed to "open."  If investigation reveals that the leak is
not in PHP I'll be the first one to change it to bogus.)



[2005-01-20 22:37:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sounds  like your  system may have a limit on the amount of memory a
single process can request. When that limit is reached and php fails to
allocate memory it terminates with an error that you are seeing.


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