ID:               29587
 User updated by:  DavidSmith at byu dot net
 Reported By:      DavidSmith at byu dot net
-Status:           No Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         LDAP related
 Operating System: Fedora Core 1
 PHP Version:      4.3.8
 New Comment:

After installing the new PHP version, and commenting out the BASE line
in both my ldap.conf files (one in /etc and one in /etc/openldap), it
now works as expected!

Good work!


Previous Comments:

[2005-02-16 22:58:40] deon at wurley dot net

I'm seeing this problem in Fedora Core 3 - which is using php 4.3.10.

Withouth having to create my own php - any tips on how this can be

Is there a fix in the code available?


[2005-02-11 01:00:29] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".


[2005-02-03 04:51:34] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2004-10-01 15:26:50] DavidSmith at byu dot net

ldap.conf has nothing to do with this bug. I am performing an
ldap_read() and explicitly specificying my own search base (the empty
string, ""). In this case, PHP and the LDAP libraries should not be
reading the "base" directive in ldap.conf.

Despite this glaringly obvious fact, I tried removing the "base"
directive from ldap.conf to see if that fixed it. It had no effect on
the bug. So I tried changing the "base" directive from
dc=example,dc=com to the correct one, dc=phpldapadmin,dc=com, but PHP
still searches with base dc=example,dc=com (yes I restarted my web
server and LDAP server). So then I tried creating ~apache/.ldaprc and
setting the base to dc=phpldapadmin,dc=com there. Still no effect on
the bug.

This is a bug. No matter what setting I have for my base in ldap.conf,
PHP should is NOT using the base I specify in my call to ldap_read().

Perhaps PHP is interpreting a base of "" to mean "the default base DN
specified somewhere else". This is NOT the desired behavior. The RFCs
state that when searching with a base DN set to the empty string and a
scope of "base", that the RootDSE entry should be returned. Note also
that other versions of PHP work just fine with no changes to the LDAP
libraries. See comments from other users as well.

Also note that ldapsearch works just fine, so it's obviously not the
LDAP client libraries. This is a PHP bug.



[2004-10-01 10:08:37] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Search for ldap.conf (your filesystem and google)..
That's where the comes from. 


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