ID:               31624
 Comment by:       casey dot dinsmore at viewplus dot com
 Reported By:      ericvanblokland at gmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: Fedora Core 2
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2005-01-22
 New Comment:


After upgrading my PHP from 4.3.9 to 4.3.10 on FreeBSD 5.2.1 I am
experiencing this problem. I have tried both apache 2.0.52 and
apache-ssl 1.3.33

I can serve up plain HTML, and basic PHP scripts without any problem

The following script puts a segmentation fault in my log

[Tue Mar  8 16:35:19 2005] [notice] child pid 6673 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)


Previous Comments:

[2005-02-22 20:56:52] eerror at gmail dot com

for me it segfaults as soon as the code hits session_start.  nothing
complex about the code.  even a 3 line test script will cause it.
box: suse9.1,apache2.0.52, php4.3.10


[2005-02-05 18:00:17] ericvanblokland at gmail dot com

This is indeed very interesting, I haven't examined your code
thoroughly yet, but my objects tend to do memory consuming data
processing operations on wakeup. So this issue might be related as

Perhaps you want to post your own bug-report about this, because your
issue is very precise and has its own example code. If you do, please
post a link to your report here, because your issue might as well be


[2005-02-05 15:45:05] bertrand at toggg dot com

I'm experiencing a simpler segfault on PHP4.3.10 FC2 too this way, just
trying to double and again an array:

$arr = array (str_repeat('X', 65536));
$mem = 0;
while ($loop--) {
    for ($i = count($arr); $i; $i--) {
        $arr[] = $arr[0];
        if ($i%16) {
        if ( ( ($nmem = memory_get_usage()) - $mem) > 1000000) {
            $mem = $nmem;
            echo 'Count:'.count($arr)." ($mem bytes)<br>\n";
    echo $loop.':'.count($arr).'/'.memory_get_usage() . "
echo "<br>\n OK <br>\n";

For 18 loops it breaks my default memory limit of 8 Mo:
Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted as expected.

If I add before the loop:
 if (ini_set ('memory_limit', 16*1048576)) {
     echo "Set memory limit to 16 Mo<br>\n";
It's taking an incredible amount of time
and I get segfault.
What is strange, I get the output: 
Set memory limit to 16 Mo
Count:256113 (11380680 bytes)
0:262144/11621952 bytes

what means the end of last loop reached.
But I never get the final acknowledgement.

I understand it's much more simpler as yours,
but result is quite near.


[2005-02-04 13:05:53] ericvanblokland at gmail dot com

Are you sure this is related to my problem? Do you have any data in
your session? If so, it very well might be related, if you experience
the crash always, no matter what, on session_start(); you should look
for a solution elsewhere.

In my case, the segmentation faults are triggered within the
__wakeup(); functions of my objects that exists in the session. Under
certain conditions the compiler messes up when unserializing the
session (In my last test-run yesterday memory leaks where reported with
a compiler with debug enabled and de segfaults disappeared, without the
debug mode enabled the segfaults returned) causing simple variable
assignments to crash php. 

After a lot of testing I found when not putting certain data in the
session, the segfaults would disappear. However this data has nothing
to do with the crashing object. Unless the data has been referenced. It
shouldn't, but might be causing a
reference anyway.

Still, the php compiler contains some very serious bugs, that might be
causing, or causing the conditions which result in a segmentation


[2005-02-04 11:20:15] 1 at movesmountains dot com

Not sure if this is the same bug or not; however, I'm getting a
segfault on every call to session_start(), no matter how trivial the
code ( <? session_start(); ?> will do it).
Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7e PHP/4.3.10 

Not sure what other info would be useful to you.


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