ID:               27908
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      ahundiak at ingr dot com
 Status:           Verified
 Bug Type:         XML related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-03-06
 New Comment:

You can always tell ext/xml to use external expat libraries 
by using --with-libxml-dir configure option (it won't help of course if
you're using precompiled binaries)

Previous Comments:

[2005-03-18 16:22:03] werner at esmt dot org

..but what can i do, if i want to run my current php4 
applications with php5 and other webs the new libxml2 
stuff? its not really a solution, only a workaround ...


[2005-03-06 19:45:41] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is a bug in the compatibility layer used when ext/xml is build with
libxml2. It works fine with expat. 


[2004-04-07 12:34:00] ahundiak at ingr dot com

As the test case shows, it does not appear that the default handler is
being called under PHP5RC1.  The other handlers seem to work but the
default handler is required to get the document type line.  PHP4.3.5
works. Using libxml2 2.6.5.

Reproduce code:
function x_default_handler($xp,$data) 
    echo "x_default_handler $data\n"; 
$xp = xml_parser_create(); 
echo "Parse Test " . PHP_VERSION . " Done\n"; 

Expected result:
x_default_handler <root> 
x_default_handler </root> 
Parse Test 5.0.0RC1 Done 

Actual result:
Parse Test 5.0.0RC1


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