ID:               32491
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      Oscar dot Castillo at jpl dot nasa dot gov
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         HTTP related
 Operating System: Solaris 9
 PHP Version:      5.0.3
 New Comment:

What compile errors?

Previous Comments:

[2005-03-30 02:15:33] Oscar dot Castillo at jpl dot nasa dot gov

I downloaded the php5-latest.tar.gz, but got compiler errors. I
downloaded the php5-STABLE-200503292230 and was able to compile it. It
is now running good so far. However, the upload problems usually take 2
- 24 hours to begin. I shall continue to monitor. 
Thanks for your help


[2005-03-29 23:39:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2005-03-29 21:55:27] Oscar dot Castillo at jpl dot nasa dot gov

I am using iPlanet 6.0 SP5, Zend 2.5.7 and PHP 5.0.3 on a 64 bit
Solaris 9 SunFire V880 (4x4GHz CPU, 8Gb RAM). I have a problem with an
HTTP POST command that attempts to upload a file onto the web server
and a consistent "File upload error - unable to create a temporary file
in Unknown on line 0" error message appears in the error logs. The
upload_tmp_dir directory is set to /tmp. The error message disappears
with a web server daemon reset (stop/start the web server daemon), but
the error begins to occur within 2 to 24 hours again. When the errors
occur, the /tmp directory begins to accumulate with php[web_server_pid]
files that are zero bytes in size. My upload_max_filesize parameter is
configured to 2Mb, however the uploaded files are never above 50kb.
I've tried many suggested fixes from the bug reports area, but
to no avail. Thanks in advance for your help!

Reproduce code:
$debug_level = 2;               // 0 = no debug; 10 = most debug
if ($debug_level > 9) { phpinfo(); }
// Configurable variables
  $BaseDir = './';
  $LogFileName = $BaseDir . "RTIU_translator.log";
  $SCLK_SCET_Dir = "/afs/jpl/group/casops/dom/data/main/sclkscet/";  //
placed in executed shell script
  $UploadDir = $BaseDir . "Temp/" ;             //      Where the posted files 
  $TransferDir = $BaseDir . "Xfer/";    //  Where the tar file for the
translator is created

// Verify resources are available

$LogFile = fopen( $LogFileName,'a');
if (! $LogFile)
{ print("Logging is disabled, please save all displayed messages if
help is needed from IO support<br>");

// Verify UPLOAD directory
if (!file_exists($UploadDir))
{ if ($LogFile)
  { $TmpStr = sprintf("%s VERIFY Upload directory does not exist\n",
                                          gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") );
//                      strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"));
    fwrite($LogFile, $TmpStr);
  { DisplayError("Could not create Upload directory",0);
// Verify TRANSFER directory
if (!file_exists($TransferDir))
{ if ($LogFile)
  { $TmpStr = sprintf("%s VERIFY Transfer directory does not exist\n",
                                          gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s") );
//                      strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"));
    fwrite($LogFile, $TmpStr);
  print( "Missing Transfer Directory: $TransferDir <br>");
  if (!mkdir($TransferDir,0774))
  { DisplayError("Could not create Transfer directory",0);

// Capture form values

$BaseName = escapeshellcmd($_POST['BaseName']);
$SequenceID = $_POST['SequenceID'];
$StartTimeUTC = $_POST['StartTimeUTC'];
$StopTimeUTC = $_POST['StopTimeUTC'];
$InputType = $_POST['input_type'];                      // SASF or PRT
$OutputType = $_POST['output_type'];            // SEQ or IEB
$UserFileName = $_FILES['UploadFile']['name'];
$StartALF = $_POST['StartALF'];                         // 0 <= ?
$ALF_Partition = $_POST['ALF_Partition'];       // DEFAULT or NON_DEFAULT
$ALF_Step = $_POST['ALF_Step'];                         // 4 or 8

$HostSource = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];

//  Debug stuff (POST data)
if ($debug_level > 3)
{ print( "Upload Directory: $UploadDir <br>");
  print( "SCLK/SCET Directory: $SCLK_SCET_Dir <br>");

  if ($debug_level > 8)
  { print ("<pre>");

    print ("</pre>");
  print( "Input Type: $InputType <br>");
  print( "Basename: $BaseName <br>");
  print( "Upload File: $UserFileName <br>");
  print( "Sequence ID: $SequenceID <br>");
  print( "SCLK/SCET File: $SCLK_SCET_File <br>");
  print( "Start UTC: $StartTimeUTC <br>");
  print( "Stop UTC: $StopTimeUTC <br>");

  print( "Output Type: $OutputType <br>");
  print( "Start ALF: $StartALF <br>");
  print( "Partition: $ALF_Partition <br>");
  print( "ALF Step: $ALF_Step <br>");

// Verify parameter values
print("<H2>Processing an $InputType upload</H2><br>");

//  Log an attempted posting (user & host)
if ($LogFile)
{ $TmpStr = sprintf("%s REQUEST (%s) %s from %s\n",
//                    strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"), $BaseName, $CAS_User,
                    gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $BaseName, $CAS_User,
  fwrite($LogFile, $TmpStr);
// Check Basename
if (strlen($BaseName) == 0)
{ DisplayError("Basename must be specified to translate a
} else
{ if (strlen($BaseName) != 6)
  { DisplayError("Basename invalid length: '$BaseName'",
                 "Must be 6 alpha-numeric characters");
!= 6)
  { DisplayError("Basename invalid character(s): '$BaseName'",
                 "Must be 6 alpha-numeric characters");
if (is_file("$TransferDir/$BaseName.tar") ||
{ DisplayError("The specified basename has been previously used",
               "Please select a different name: $BaseName");

// Check for uploaded file
if ($_FILES['UploadFile']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
{ $TmpStr = $_FILES['UploadFile']['name'];
  DisplayError("Error uploading sequence file", "$TmpStr");
  if ($debug_level > 1)
  { var_dump($_FILES);

// Verify SASF Parameters
if ($InputType == "SASF")
{ print("<H3>Verifying parameters for SASF processing</H3>");
  //  Start Times (only if SASF input)
  if (($StartUTC=Verify_UTC($StartTimeUTC,"Start Time")))
  { if (($StopUTC=Verify_UTC($StopTimeUTC,"Stop Time")))
    { if ($StopUTC <= $StartUTC)
      { DisplayError("'Stop Time' not later than 'Start Time'",
                     "Start: $StartTimeUTC<br>Stop: $StopTimeUTC");
    } else      // Bad Stop Time
    { return;
  } else        // Bad Start Time
  { return;
} else          // InputType is PRT
// Build translation script
  $UploadFile = $UploadDir . "/" . $UserFileName;
  if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['UploadFile']['tmp_name'],
  { // print ("Uploaded the $InputType file as $UploadFile<br>");
  } else
  { DisplayError("Could not get uploaded file: '$UserFileName'",0);
    if ($debug_level > 1)
    { var_dump($_FILES);

  $ScriptFile = "$UploadDir/$BaseName.csh";
  $FileHandle = fopen($ScriptFile,"wb");
  if (! $FileHandle)
  { DisplayError("Could not create script file", 0);
  fwrite($FileHandle,"# Script is passed the two programs to be used as
  fwrite($FileHandle,"# The script is started with the working
directory containing\n");
  fwrite($FileHandle,"# and the uploaded user file (SASF or
  $PrtseqFile = $BaseName . "prtseq";
  if ($InputType == "SASF")
  { fwrite($FileHandle,"\$1 $UserFileName $SequenceID $BaseName
$SCLK_SCET_Dir/$SCLK_SCET_File $StartTimeUTC $StopTimeUTC\n");
  } else
  { fwrite($FileHandle,"cp $UserFileName $PrtseqFile\n");
  fwrite($FileHandle,"# Include error check\n\n");
  if ($OutputType == "IEB")
  { fwrite($FileHandle,"\$2 $BaseName $StartALF $ALF_Partition
$ALF_Step < $PrtseqFile > $BaseName.seq\n");
  } else
  { fwrite($FileHandle,"\$2 $BaseName < $PrtseqFile >
  fwrite($FileHandle,"# Include error check\n");
  fwrite($FileHandle,"\n# Calling script is responsible for moving
tar.gz to the download directory\n");
  fclose($FileHandle);                                                  // End 
of ScriptFile
  if ($debug_level > 4)
  { print ("<pre>\n\nScript File Commands ...\n\n");
    print ("</pre>");
  $TargetDir = $TransferDir . '/' . $BaseName;
  $BuildCmd = "mkdir -p $TargetDir";
  $CmdOutput = system($BuildCmd,$ReturnValue);
  if ($ReturnValue != 0)
  { DisplayError("ERROR making workspace for '$BaseName'","Error:

  $BuildCmd = "mv $ScriptFile $UploadFile $TargetDir";
  $CmdOutput = system($BuildCmd,$ReturnValue);
  if ($ReturnValue != 0)
  { DisplayError("ERROR moving '$UserFileName' to workspace","Error:

  $BuildCmd = "(cd $TransferDir; tar -cf $BaseName.tar $BaseName)";
  $CmdOutput = system($BuildCmd,$ReturnValue);
  if ($ReturnValue != 0)
  { DisplayError("ERROR transfering '$BaseName' package","Error:

  print ("<H3>Upload successfully completed</H3>");
  print ("<p>");
  print ("Processing will begin shortly");
  print ("</p><p>");
  print ("Please check back in a few minutes on the download tab to get
  print ("the translated sequence.<br>It will be called
  print ("</p>");

  //  Log successful upload
  if ( $LogFile )
  { $TmpStr = sprintf("%s SUBMIT (%s) by %s successfully\n",
//                      strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"), $BaseName, $CAS_User
                      gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $BaseName, $CAS_User );
    fclose( $LogFile );


//  Verify_UTC function
function Verify_UTC ( &$Time, $FieldName )
  $Status = sscanf($Time,"%d-%dT%d:%d:%d",$Year,$Day,$Hour,$Min,$Sec);
  if ($Status != 5)
    DisplayError ("Could not parse $FieldName: '$Time'",
                  "Must be in the form: 'yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss.mmm'");
    return 0;

  $GMT_Time = mktime($Hour,$Min,$Sec,1,$Day,$Year);
  $CalcTime = strftime("%Y-%jT%T.000",$GMT_Time);

  if (strncmp($CalcTime,$Time,(strlen($CalcTime)-4)) == 0)
  { $Time = $CalcTime;
    return $GMT_Time;
  } else
  { DisplayError ("$FieldName interpreted as invalid: '$Time'",0);
    return 0;

//  DisplayError function
function DisplayError( $ErrorMsg, $Ancillary )
{ global $LogFile, $CAS_User, $BaseName;

  print("<br><big> *** Processing Error ***</big><br>");
  if ($Ancillary != NULL)
  { print("<br>$Ancillary<br>");
  //  Log error in post (user and reason)
  if ( $LogFile )
  { $TmpStr = sprintf("%s ERROR (%s) %s [%s]\n",
//                      strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"), $BaseName, $ErrorMsg
                                          gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $BaseName, 
$ErrorMsg, $Ancillary );
    fclose( $LogFile );


Expected result:
The uploaded file is transfered from a client machine onto the web
server's local filesystem structure.

Actual result:
PHP Warning: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in
Unknown on line 0


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