ID:               29015
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      tomas_matousek at hotmail dot com
-Status:           Verified
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Zend Engine 2 problem
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-03-06
 New Comment:

Fixed in CVS HEAD and PHP_5_0.

Empty property and string properties started with '\0' are disallowed.

Previous Comments:

[2004-08-14 00:43:06] php at hristov dot com

AFAUK, internally the private member variables are stored in such a way
that the first byte is \0, which maybe you emulate with your test case.
":private" means that the member var is private one.

shorter example for "creating" of a private variable :
php -r '$a=new stdclass();$a->$b=3;var_dump($a);'
and of "integer" member variable
php -r '$a=new stdclass();$b=3;$a->$b=3;var_dump($a);' 



[2004-07-05 15:02:12] tomas_matousek at hotmail dot com

If I try to use variable with non-string name (e.g. 
$x = 10; $$x = ...) the name is converted to a string using standard
conversion rules. That's ok.
But this doesn't work on object's field which is IMHO a bug and it
implies some a buggy behavior.
See the code bellow.

It seems that by:
$x = null;
$a->$x = "whatever";
one can somehow create a private variable (or something like that,
don't know what ":private" means)!

Moreover, there is possibly a bug in get_object_vars when a field name
is a numeric string (e.g. "10") (compare the first item of results of
get_object_vars and var_dump).

Reproduce code:
function field_names_test()
  $a = new stdClass();
  $x = 10;
  $a->$x = "int(10)";
  $x = "10";
  $a->$x = "string('10')";
  $x = "";
  $a->$x = "string('')";
  $x = null;
  $a->$x = "null";
  $x = 1.8;
  $a->$x = "double(1.8)";
  $x = false;
  $a->$x = "bool(false)";
  $x = array(1,2,3);
  $a->$x = "array(1,2,3)";

Expected result:
array(4) {
  string(12) "string('10')"
  string(11) "bool(false)"
  string(11) "double(1.8)"
  string(12) "array(1,2,3)"
object(stdClass)#1 (4) {
  string(12) "string('10')"
  string(11) "bool(false)"
  string(11) "double(1.8)"
  string(12) "array(1,2,3)"

Actual result:
array(3) {
  string(12) "string('10')"
  string(11) "double(1.8)"
  string(12) "array(1,2,3)"
object(stdClass)#1 (4) {
  string(12) "string('10')"
  string(11) "bool(false)"
  string(11) "double(1.8)"
  string(12) "array(1,2,3)"


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