ID:               32929
 User updated by:  majoros at inma dot ucl dot ac dot be
 Reported By:      majoros at inma dot ucl dot ac dot be
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: fc3
 PHP Version:      4.3.11
 New Comment:

Ok, it seems that the bug was somewhere else, in the portal I use

 It's true that it didn't crash if I put a return just before the
assignment, and that it did otherwise, but the crash was really
somewhere else, due to "infinite" recursion (limited to 64 by php). I
corrected the bug in tikiwiki.

 Thanks to all people who checked this, and sorry for the


 Yannick Majoros

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-04 00:28:27] majoros at inma dot ucl dot ac dot be

You can even forget about the foreach loop, and thus var: same problem
if I remove them...


[2005-05-04 00:11:00] majoros at inma dot ucl dot ac dot be

$val is some value extracted from a database. The foreach loop goes
through every column of the data extracted from the current row ($res).

Here are the values contained in $res when the crash occurs (on 5th
iteration in 'while'):
"mvanhXXX","Marie-Anne Van HXXX",1,1,1,1,0 

I had to replace some name with XXX for privacy, but it doesn't contain
any special character. BTW, the same happens if i just leave the iconv.
If I replace the "bad" line with this:


The crash doesn't occur (but I don't get my data).


[2005-05-03 22:50:17] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is the value of $val variable.


[2005-05-03 19:51:37] majoros at inma dot ucl dot ac dot be

PHP is crashing on some page (segfault), at least on two servers. It
crashes when I try to create a new array element (see code), not
always, but always in the same conditions.

Same with 4.3.10, 4.3.11 and latest cvs. 


'./configure' '--with-apxs2' '--with-iconv' 

Reproduce code:
 while ($res=$result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))
  // TODO: make iconv optional
  foreach ($res as $key=>$val)

Expected result:
should not crash!

Actual result:
crash boom, this line in apache error.log:

[Tue May 03 19:33:21 2005] [notice] child pid 10313 exit signal
Segmentation fault (11)


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