ID:               32963
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      jason at amp-design dot net
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: CentOS 4 / RHEL 3
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-05-06 (dev)
 New Comment:

We can't do much without a script to reproduce it ourselves, so try
come up with one..

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-09 11:28:08] jason at amp-design dot net

I normally do try and isolate bugs in PHP by producing a short few
lines of PHP in order to replicate the problem.

I have tried on many occasions when I have had this bug to replicate it
by stripping parts of the code down, but I have not managed to do it
sucessfully yet. Is there any other way I can profide feedback? I could
probably try and limit the amount code down to some extent, but even so
I doubt it would be a small chunk of code.

Anyway, I will attempt to find a way to replicate this as soon as I can
get time.


[2005-05-07 05:48:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a short but complete example script to be able to reproduce
this bug ourselves. 

A proper reproducing script starts with <?php and ends with ?>,
is max. 10-20 lines long and does not require any external 
resources such as databases, etc.

If possible, make the script source available online and provide
an URL to it here. Try to avoid embedding huge scripts into the report.


[2005-05-06 16:05:48] jason at amp-design dot net

OK, I've tried to narrow down things a little more. This is not proving

OK, I can see why this is making things crash according to different
browsers. I have a piece of code like this ...

 * Extracts path data from URL into a string.
 * This will attempt to read the path data from many locations, 
 * such as after the .php part of the URL, the path request variable
 * or from the site root.
function iq_extract_path() {
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['path'])) {
                /* try to extract it from URL */
                $path_string = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                /* Are we hiding the .php file ? */
                if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '.php') !== false) {
                        /* Remove the index or whatever .php bit */ 
                        $path_string = preg_replace('/\/[\w]+.php/', '', 
                /* We need to trim on / or it replaces '/' if we are running 
root dir */
                $prefix_path = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), '/');
                /* Remove any prefixed URL path */
                $path_string = str_replace($prefix_path, '', $path_string);
                /* remove query string */
                $path_string = str_replace('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], '',
        } else {
                $path_string = $_REQUEST['path'];
        return $path_string;

As you can see, this looks at server variables, which explains that. On
the site it's used, it allows us to use a clean search engine / user
friendly URL system, instead of using HTTP GET/POST variables for the
front controller's dispatching. If no server variables are used, it
looks at $_REQUEST['path'] as a safety fallback.

I found that setting $_REQUEST['path'] to the right value (so it
doesn't touch the $_SERVER array) stops the segfault.

The segfault it's self is because of the SPL. I'm 99.99999% sure of
this. zend_execute.c:1205 confirms this, and other scenarios where I
get segfaults normally involve SPL ArrayAccess objects.

We use a template system, which is modelled as an object. This
implements the ArrayAccess interface, so it makes it easy to set
variables. It's initialized like this ...

$payment_schedule = new IQ_Template('admin/payment_schedule.xml');

we can poke data in like this...

$payment_schedule['schedule_year'] = $year;

likewise, there is some system in place where we can write custom web
controls so it behaves like WACT / ASP.NETs template system.

Anyway, I found another way to prevent the crash, instead of setting
$_REQUEST['path'] was to place ...

$payment_schedule = 'insert random string here';

before the line 

$payment_schedule = new IQ_Template('admin/payment_schedule.xml');

Despite the fact the additional line does nothing, it stops the
segfault. I tried this after realising that the issue was related with
a decreasing reference count due to _zval_ptr_dtor() being called.

I can't say this always happens always when assignments are made
between two objects implementing ArrayAccess through the [] subscripts.
However it does appear that there is always an ArrayAccess object with a
[] subscript the left of the assignment operator at the point of the

Obviously this seems like a memory management issue at the heart of the
variable managment / Zend engine's object overloading system, which
explains it's complex, tricky nature as far as tracing is concerned.

I hope this is enough information. This is quite important issue to me
as we often come across this issue in other places. Previously we've
got round it by using temporary arrays to assign into and then copy
that array into the object implementing array access (which is a nasty
hack). Also being part of the internals/core of the Zend engine, is
another reason see this as a pressing issue.


[2005-05-06 14:39:09] jason at amp-design dot net

While i remember, something I did notice was the fact this segfault
seems to only happen under MSIE on the PC, Firefox on Windows, and
Linux. It does not crash when using a KHTML browser such as Safari 1.3,
or Konqueror (I used the version from KDE 3.3).

No segfault occurs when I use the CLI. This is most odd as non of my
code has anything that tries to sniff or do anything based on a
specific browser. I'm sure the PHP code making it crash has nothing to
do with the what browser is making the request. As you can see this is
just one of many factors that seem to make this crash very hard for me
to pin-point what is going wrong and provide sample PHP code. 

I am using Apache 2.0.46 and 2.0.52.


[2005-05-06 14:21:33] jason at amp-design dot net

I have found this a complete **** to get to the bottom of. Basically,
I'm pretty sure it's to do with something I'm using with the SPL and
some class(es) implementing the ArrayAccess interface.

It seems there is no execute() call made in the backtrace so I can not
isolate a command. I have had similar issues before and everytime I
have traced them back, they normally trace back to an assignment
operator with objects implementing ArrayAccess for both the l and r
values (quite often different classes), both the l and r value use the
array subscripts, therefore the offsetGet() and offsetSet() operator
overloading methods are involved.

I am using the lastest CVS version (as seen by backtrace). However I
have had this issue throughout PHP5.0.x and PHP

I will try and provide some more detailed information if I can find
time this afternoon. If you require more info, please shout.

Reproduce code:
Could not isolate code for test case. Seems like segfaults require a
number of conditions to be present inorder to happen. See back trace

Expected result:
Anything but a segfault!

Actual result:
backtrace generated from gdb httpd, run -X ...

#0  0x0041c17c in memcpy () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x012f52e9 in _mem_block_check (ptr=0xbfff5ae8, silent=0, 
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_alloc.c:736
#2  0x012f52b5 in _mem_block_check (ptr=0xbfff5ae8, silent=1, 
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_alloc.c:728
#3  0x012f45ef in _efree (ptr=0xbfff5ae8, 
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_alloc.c:287
#4  0x013025fb in safe_free_zval_ptr_rel (p=0xbfff5ae8, 
__zend_orig_lineno=392) at zend_execute.h:64
#5  0x012ffbbc in _zval_ptr_dtor (zval_ptr=0xbfff4a64, 
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_execute_API.c:392
#6  0x01322f89 in zend_std_read_dimension (object=0xa798a2c, 
    offset=0xbfff5ae8, type=0)
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_object_handlers.c:357
#7  0x01330a88 in zend_fetch_dimension_address (result=0xbfff5afc, 
    container_ptr=0xbfff5ad8, dim=0xbfff5ae8, type=0)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend_execute.c:1205
    execute_data=0xbfff6260) at zend_vm_execute.h:9881
#9  0x01331166 in execute (op_array=0xa24963c) at zend_vm_execute.h:78
    execute_data=0xbfff74c0) at zend_vm_execute.h:1844
#11 0x01331166 in execute (op_array=0xa511c2c) at zend_vm_execute.h:78
#12 0x0130c669 in zend_execute_scripts (type=8, retval=0x0,
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/Zend/zend.c:1063
#13 0x012cbd67 in php_execute_script (primary_file=0xbfff9830)
    at /root/php/php5-200505060830/main/main.c:1653
#14 0x01381b0c in php_handler (r=0xa608a98)
#15 0x080685c5 in ap_run_handler ()
#16 0x08068bdf in ap_invoke_handler ()
#17 0x080657f5 in ap_internal_redirect ()
#18 0x00289275 in ?? () from /etc/httpd/modules/
#19 0x09d4c520 in ?? ()
#20 0x09d4c5b8 in ?? ()
#21 0x00000000 in ?? ()


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