ID:               33031
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      jxmaster at msn dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Arrays related
 Operating System: windowsxp
 PHP Version:      4.3.11
 New Comment:


(that note about pointer being reset..and working with copy..)

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-15 02:24:49] jxmaster at msn dot com

Sorry for the reproduce code, but for the line limit, I have no choice.

// reproduce code
function recurGetDescdendant($all, $current, $descendant)
 foreach ($all as $userid => $parent)
   if ($parent == $current)
    $descendant[] = $userid;
    $cdescendant = array();
    recurGetDescdendant(&$all, $userid, &$cdescendant);
    $descendant = array_merge($descendant, $cdescendant);
/*key represents the user id; value reprents the parent's user id of
this user. for example: 6 => 1 means user 6's parent is user 1*/
$all = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 1, 7 => 1, 11
=> 7, 12 => 11, 13 => 11 );
$descendant = array();
recurGetDescdendant(&$all, 1, &$descendant);
foreach ($descendant as $value) echo $value . "<br>\n";


[2005-05-14 19:30:15] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try to provide more readable reproduce code.


[2005-05-14 03:49:50] jxmaster at msn dot com

'foreach' fails to continue visiting the following items in the array
after returning from a recursion function call. I understand that
'foreach' works on the copy of the array, but I think it cannot explain
the situation. Because after returning from the recursion call, the
memory space before the call should be popped out from the running
enviorenment stack. Hence, foreach should not feel that its execution
has been interrupted by the recursion call.
If I change the structure of the array slightly and use for loop to
replace foreach the function get the expected value. 
Following is the revised version:
function recurGetDescdendant($all, $current, $descendant) {
 $length = count($all);
 for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $userid = $all[$i][0];
        $parent = $all[$i][1];
        if ($parent == $current) {
    $descendant[] = $userid;
    $cdescendant = array();
    recurGetDescdendant(&$all, $userid, &$cdescendant);
    $descendant = array_merge($descendant, $cdescendant);
  }  }  }
//key represents the user id; value reprents the parent's user id of
this user. for example: 6 => 1 means user 6's parent is user 1
  $all = array(array(1,0), array(2,0), array(3,0), array(4,0),
array(5,0), array(6,1), array(7,1), array(11,7), array(12,11),
array(13,11) );
  $descendant = array();
  recurGetDescdendant(&$all, 1, &$descendant);
  foreach ($descendant as $value) echo $value . "<br>\n";

Reproduce code:
function recurGetDescdendant($all, $current, $descendant) {
 foreach ($all as $userid => $parent) {
   if ($parent == $current) {
    $descendant[] = $userid;
    $cdescendant = array();
    recurGetDescdendant(&$all, $userid, &$cdescendant);
    $descendant = array_merge($descendant, $cdescendant);
  }  }  }
//key represents the user id; value reprents the parent's user id of
this user. for example: 6 => 1 means user 6's parent is user 1
  $all = array(1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 1, 7 => 1,
11 => 7, 12 => 11, 13 => 11 );
  $descendant = array();
  recurGetDescdendant(&$all, 1, &$descendant);
  foreach ($descendant as $value) echo $value . "<br>\n";

Expected result:

Actual result:


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