ID:               30351
 Comment by:       freddyz77 at tin dot it
 Reported By:      davidifre at yahoo dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: solaris 5.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.9
 Assigned To:      fmk
 New Comment:

What operation system are you using?
Have you tried to update FreeTDS version?

(FreeTDS developer)

Previous Comments:

[2004-10-19 14:34:45] davidifre at yahoo dot com

do you know if this is a bug? Am I alone to experience this problem?



[2004-10-07 11:01:58] davidifre at yahoo dot com

I use freetds 0.62.4.

I have a table with rows of different data type (binary, datetime, int,
bit, smallint, tinyint, varbinary, varchar and real). A query with a
request on the real data row (name is "value") will crash php whereas
other requests are ok: here is what i have in my apache logs

[Thu Oct  7 09:11:16 2004] [notice] child pid 3045 exit signal Bus
Error (10)

It is not browser dependent but with Netscape7 I have a message "this
document contains no data".

any idea?

compiled (I removed every path):
--with-apache --with-ldap --with-mysql --with-pgsql --with-sybase
--with-oracle --with-oci8 --with-mssql --with-gd --with-zlib-dir
--with-zip --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-tiff-dir --with-pdflib
--with-imap --with-snmp --with-mcrypt --with-sablot --with-expat-dir
--with-gettext --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-yp
--enable-ftp --enable-calendar --enable-mbstring=all --without-pear

Reproduce code:
$req_SQL="SELECT value from table_name";
$id_con=mssql_connect("host:port","username","pwd") or die ("Could not
connect to database: ".mssql_get_last_message());


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