ID:               32330
 Comment by:       fteodoro at teatrodetabuas dot com dot br
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5CVS, 4CVS (2005-03-17)
 Assigned To:      sniper
 New Comment:

Is this discussion opened yet?
I think I got a tip in this bug - not the more elegant, but it's
working now.

I was facing the random "failed to initialize storage module" bug. The
bug seems to be related to the physical recording of session data. No
worries on my test server (linux + php 4.2.2 + mysql 3.23.54), but all
the worries on the web server (php 4.3.11 + mysql 4.0.22).

Since I have no access to the commercial server unless ftp, I achieved
the trick with a simple .access file, with a simple couple of

php_value session.save_handler files
php_value session.save_path /home/domain/htdocs/temp

and I haven't received error messages for some days.

Too dummy? Hope it works...

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-21 19:19:42] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think you are on the right track mfischer.  It looks like PS(mod) and
PS(mod_data) can get out of synch which would cause this.  And I think
all the others with seemingly unrelated issues are actually related. 
If PS(mod_data) leaks out of the per-request sandbox and infects
subsequent requests all it takes is one application on a server to use
its own session handler and it could affect other seemingly trivial
standalone session apps on that server.


[2005-05-19 14:09:55] lekhoi at lekhoi dot com dot au

I use
Window XP -- running Apache
SQLite version 2.8.14
PHP version 5.0.4
and am experiencing the same problem of PHP reporting error when
calling session_start()

I have never have this problem before.

However, I am using SQLiteManager ver 1.0.6 and during the development
stage I came across this problem. This problem occurs quite randomly
specially when I try to modify the database structure or have troubled
sql statement. It feels and sounds like a memory leak problem with
SQLite functions. I have to stress that I come across this only when
using SQLiteManager.

I have used and configured session using SQLite as the database for
sessions storing and never have a problem.

To fix this, I restart Apache, and it works everytime.


[2005-05-17 21:01:39] semorales at segob dot gob dot mx

Any notice about this bug? I'm thinking about using the handler but I'm
afraid it will crash my server. Please let me know.


[2005-04-30 11:31:53] dmih at in-solve dot ru

I've added several notes as this bug (marked as bogus):

Please consider them, as it seems that it is about this bug really.


[2005-04-19 07:37:14] labsy at seznam dot org

Since this bug is non-persistent, it is very hard to reproduce.

Now, since I run PHP 5.0.2 as ISAPI module, I did a change and added
php5isapi.dll also as ISAPI FILTER under web site properties in IIS.
I don't have a slight idea what would that change, but it seems to
solve problem - I hope.


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